
Klawf (JP) is a Rock-type Pokémon in the franchise of the same name. It was introduced in the ninth generation. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.

Physiology and Behavior[]

Klawf is a crustacean Pokémon. It is primarily orange in color, with a cream underbelly and pink cheeks that can glow red. Its stony, armored carapace has a rugged texture, with three roughly pentagonal shapes protruding from the top. Its eyes are supported by stalks extending from inside its shell; Klawf can freely rotate these eyes to survey its surroundings, leaving no blind spots. Klawf's mouth is large and has rectangular "teeth" resembling battlements. Klawf has eight appendages, with claws on its two front-most limbs. Black fur-like bristles protrude from between its eyes and cover its joints.

Klawf hangs upside down from cliffs in order to ambush its prey from above, although it can't stay upside down for too long as the bloodrush to its head will cause it to get dizzy. Klawf's claws are strong and dexterous, and have a really tight grip, especially on its prey. In battle, Klawf uses one of its claws to hold its opponent tight while using the other to break through its defenses. Klawf can grow back its claws if it loses them. In some parts of the Paldea region, Klawf's claws are used for cooking.

Klawf is the only known Pokémon that can have Anger Shell as an Ability.

A giant Klawf, known as the Stony Cliff Titan, is one of the Titan Pokémon found in the Paldea region.


Main Pokémon games[]

Klawf is one of the Titan Pokémon in the game.

Other Pokémon games[]

In the anime[]

Origin & Inspiration[]

Klawf appears to be based on various species of crabs with hair-like bristles on their bodies, such as the horsehair crab (which has an orange-brown coloration), the velvet crab (a species found in the Mediterranean Sea), or the Chinese mitten crab (an invasive species in Europe). It may also derive inspiration from rock climbing.

Klawf may be a combination of claw and cliff.

In-game Information[]

Pokédex Entries[]

Title Entry
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet Klawf hangs upside-down from cliffs, waiting for prey. But Klawf can’t remain in this position for long because its blood rushes to its head.
Pokémon Violet This Pokémon lives on sheer cliffs. It sidesteps opponents' attacks, then lunges for their weak spots with its claws.

Game Locations[]

Title Location(s)
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
South Province: Area Three
Pokémon Violet
South Province: Area Three

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 70
Attack 100
Defense 115
Sp. Attack 35
Sp. Defense 55
Speed 75
Total 450


Main article: Klawf/moveset



Scarlet Violet

