
Kirby: Right Back at Ya!, known in Japan as Hoshi no Kirby (星のカービィ) is an anime series based on the Kirby series. The series ran for one hundred episodes by TBS Television, from October 6, 2001 to September 27, 2003 every Saturday in Japan. In the United States, the show aired on Fox Box, beginning on September 14, 2002. Episodes have also been released on the Kirby TV Channel for the Wii game console (only in Europe), and on the game compilation Kirby's Dream Collection (also for the Wii).


The show stars Kirby as he attempts to save the world from the monsters sold to King Dedede from the mysterious corporation known as Nightmare Enterprises.




  Main article: Kirby: Right Back at Ya!/gallery


Other releases[]

The series was made available for viewing through the Kirby TV Channel for the Wii until September 2012, and were released periodically in portions. Three episodes were also featured in the Kirby's Dream Collection game.

External links[]
