
King Toadstool, also known as The Mushroom King or The King of Mushroomland, is the King of the Mushroom Kingdom and the father of Princess Peach. He is a notable oddity among the Super Mario characters in that he is mentioned in the storyline provided for the US version of the Super Mario Bros. instruction manual, but has never actually appeared in any of the games. His appearance is a man with Mario's proportions somewhat, with a mustache similar to that of Luigi, wearing blue royal robes, and a black mushroom cap on his head, sandwiched between his head and his golden crown. This mushroom cap has yellow spots. A Mushroomer named Wooster serves him.

Despite never appearing in the games, King Toadstool appeared in a few pieces of print media spin-offs, with the earliest appearance being the story artwork seen in the How to Win at Super Mario Bros. strategy guide. He was later seen in the Super Mario Bros. coloring books published by Golden Books, but was most prominently featured as a regular character in the Super Mario Bros. comics published as part of Valiant's Nintendo Comics System imprint as well as the Nintendo Adventure Books. In both series, the King is very dimwitted, to the point that, in the comic story "Duh Stoopid Bomb!", the titular Stupid Bomb is shown to have no effect on him. He appears to be based off of the Mushroom World Kings from Super Mario Bros. 3; in two stories, "Mutiny on the Bouncy" and "Piranha Round-Sue", the King is turned into an animal (a dog in the former and a chameleon in the latter) and sends Mario to find a magic wand in order to change him back.

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