
Kaptain Skurvy is a big, orange reptilian, and treasure-hungriest pirate around the coastal waters of DK Island. He appeared on no Nintendo game to date, but he appeared as a second boss enemy on the Donkey Kong movie titled Donkey Kong Country: The Legend of th eCrystal Coconut, along with his two mates. His 1st mate, Mr. Green Kroc and his 2nd intellectual, {yet, fat} mate Kutlas. Kaptain Skurvy is a Kremling pirate, but he shows no loyalty to the self-proclaimed king of the Kremlings, King K. Rool. During the movie, Kaptain Skurvy`s only desire is to beat the Donkey Kong Crew and the army of King K. Rool to get to the Crystal Coconut and rule the seven seas. Later, his mission was failed, his ship was destroyed, and was last seen shipwrecked on the beach of Donkey Kong Island, because of Donkey Kong, his nephew, Diddy Kong, and a friend they helped out, Klap Trap {This one was seen on two legs}
