
​Kagero (JP)​ (romanized as Kagerou in the character book) is a playable character from Fire Emblem Fates on the Birthright and Revelation​ paths. She is one of Ryoma's personal retainers and a childhood friend of the Diviner Orochi.


Kagero is a loyal kunoichi who vows to serve the Hoshian family and is willing to die to protect her liege, Ryoma. She once had a romantic relationship with Saizo prior to Fates, but it didn't last long due to their disagreements.


Kagero appears in Chapter 12, where she attempts to take the Avatar back to Hoshido by Ryoma's orders instead of attacking them, but fails to do so. In Chapter 17, Kagero was later held captive by Kotaro to force the Hoshian army to surrender, but after Kotaro is killed, the Avatar finds Kagero locked away and frees her.


During an escort out of the prison in Chapter 10, Kagero reveals that she held captive while on her search for Ryoma in Mokushu. She afterward assists the Avatar in their cause to end the war between Nohr and Hoshido.


In Chapter 11, Kagero was held captive by Kotaro, but he and his army are defeated afterwards and she is freed from imprisonment by the Avatar and assists the Avatar in their cause to stop Anankos' plans..


Kagero is known for her no-nonsense and controversial personality, as well as showing great devotion to Ryoma which usually leaves her with no spare time. She was, however, in a relationship with Saizo, but due to the constant disputes between the two, they both ended the relationship to focus on protecting Ryoma. Kagero has also shared an ongoing friendship with Orochi ever since childhood, but Orochi is one of the few to truly admire Kagero's art as well as her considering the brook and water as a symbol of their friendship. Kagero loves to write her daily experiences in her diary. Her birthday is July 26.

Fire Emblem Fates[]

Character Description[]


Ryoma's retainer from a long line of royal servants. Prepared to die for her liege.

Starting stats and growth rates[]


FEF Kagero stat portrait
Ninja FEF Kagero (Ninja) sprite
Level 3
Movement 5
Max HP 18 Speed 7(+2)
Strength 12 Luck 6
Magic 0 Defense 7
Skill 8 Resistance 8
Inventory Skills
Is 3ds02 shuriken Brass Shuriken Is 3ds shuriken mastery Shuriken Mastery
Weapon Levels
3DSRankSword -- 3DSRankLance -- 3DSRankAxe -- 3DSRankBow --
3DSRankTome -- 3DSRankStaff -- Shuriken D 3DSRankStone --

FEF Kagero stat portrait
Ninja FEF Kagero (Ninja) sprite
Level 10
Movement 5
Recruitment: Birthright Chapter 10, automatically at chapter's end. Revelation Chapter 11, automatically at chapter's end.

Max HP 22 Speed 12
Strength 15 Luck 7
Magic 0 Defense 9
Skill 10 Resistance 10

Max HP 35% Speed 70%
Strength 70% Luck 30%
Magic 0% Defense 30%
Skill 40% Resistance 55%

Strength +3 Luck 0
Magic 0 Defense -1
Skill -1 Resistance +1
Speed -1

Inventory Skills
Is 3ds02 shuriken Sting Shuriken (Birthright)
Energy Drop (Birthright)
Is 3ds shuriken mastery Shuriken Mastery
Is 3ds locktouch Locktouch
Is 3ds poison strike Poison Strike
Weapon Levels
3DSRankSword -- 3DSRankLance -- 3DSRankAxe -- 3DSRankBow --
3DSRankTome -- 3DSRankStaff -- Shuriken C 3DSRankStone -- 3DSRankBeaststone --

As an Enemy[]

Conquest Chapter 12 - Bitter Intrigue[]

FEF Kagero stat portrait
Ninja FEF Kagero (Ninja) enemy sprite
Level 13
Movement 5
Max HP 26 Speed 19
Strength 14 Luck 9
Magic 0 Defense 8
Skill 12 Resistance 12
Inventory Skills
Is 3ds02 shuriken Steel Shuriken Is 3ds shuriken mastery Shuriken Mastery
Is 3ds grisly wound Grisly Wound
Weapon Levels
3DSRankSword -- 3DSRankLance -- 3DSRankAxe -- 3DSRankBow --
3DSRankTome -- 3DSRankStaff -- Shuriken C 3DSRankStone --

FEF Kagero stat portrait
Ninja FEF Kagero (Ninja) enemy sprite
Level 13
Movement 5
Max HP 27 Speed 19
Strength 16(+2) Luck 9
Magic 0 Defense 10
Skill 11 Resistance 13
Inventory Skills
Is 3ds02 shuriken Steel Shuriken
Is 3ds02 shuriken Steel Shuriken
Is 3ds shuriken mastery Shuriken Mastery
Is 3ds vantage Vantage
Is 3ds grisly wound Grisly Wound
Weapon Levels
3DSRankSword -- 3DSRankLance -- 3DSRankAxe -- 3DSRankBow --
3DSRankTome -- 3DSRankStaff -- Shuriken C 3DSRankStone --

FEF Kagero stat portrait
Ninja FEF Kagero (Ninja) enemy sprite
Level 13
Movement 5
Max HP 27 Speed 21
Strength 16 Luck 9
Magic 0 Defense 10
Skill 12 Resistance 13
Inventory Skills
Is 3ds02 shuriken Steel Shuriken
Is 3ds02 shuriken Sting Shuriken
Is 3ds shuriken mastery Shuriken Mastery
Is 3ds grisly wound Grisly Wound
Weapon Levels
3DSRankSword -- 3DSRankLance -- 3DSRankAxe -- 3DSRankBow --
3DSRankTome -- 3DSRankStaff -- Shuriken B 3DSRankStone --

Conquest Chapter 25 - Ryoma[]

FEF Kagero stat portrait
Ninja FEF Kagero (Ninja) enemy sprite
Level 17
Movement --
Max HP 27 Speed 27(+2)
Strength 25 Luck 15
Magic 0 Defense 19
Skill 19 Resistance 26
Inventory Skills
Is 3ds02 shuriken Silver Shuriken
Is 3ds02 shuriken Sting Shuriken
Is 3ds shuriken mastery Shuriken Mastery
Is 3ds shurikenfaire Shurikenfaire
Weapon Levels
3DSRankSword C 3DSRankLance -- 3DSRankAxe -- 3DSRankBow --
3DSRankTome -- 3DSRankStaff -- Shuriken A 3DSRankStone --

FEF Kagero stat portrait
Ninja FEF Kagero (Ninja) enemy sprite
Level 17
Movement --
Max HP 40 Speed 31(+2)
Strength 29 Luck 15
Magic 0 Defense 21
Skill 22 Resistance 29
Inventory Skills
Is 3ds02 shuriken Steel Shuriken
Is 3ds02 shuriken Sting Shuriken
Is 3ds shuriken mastery Shuriken Mastery
Rend Heaven Rend Heaven
Is 3ds pavise Pavise
Is 3ds shurikenfaire Shurikenfaire
Weapon Levels
3DSRankSword C 3DSRankLance -- 3DSRankAxe -- 3DSRankBow --
3DSRankTome -- 3DSRankStaff -- Shuriken A 3DSRankStone --

FEF Kagero stat portrait
Ninja FEF Kagero (Master Ninja) sprite
Level 17
Movement --
Max HP 40 Speed 31(+2)
Strength 29 Luck 15
Magic 0 Defense 21
Skill 22 Resistance 29
Inventory Skills
Is 3ds02 shuriken Silver Shuriken
Is 3ds02 shuriken Spy's Shuriken
Is 3ds02 shuriken Sting Shuriken
Is 3ds shuriken mastery Shuriken Mastery
Rend Heaven Rend Heaven
Is 3ds pavise Pavise
Is 3ds shurikenfaire Shurikenfaire
Is 3ds inevitable end Inevitable End
Weapon Levels
3DSRankSword B 3DSRankLance -- 3DSRankAxe -- 3DSRankBow --
3DSRankTome -- 3DSRankStaff -- Shuriken S 3DSRankStone --

Reclassing options[]

FEF Kagero stat portrait
Base classes:*
FEF Kagero (Ninja) sprite Ninja FEF Kagero (Mechanist) sprite Mechanist
FEF Kagero (Master Ninja) sprite Master Ninja
Reclass options:
FEF Kagero (Diviner) sprite Diviner FEF Kagero (Basara) sprite Basara
FEF Kagero (Onmyoji) sprite Onmyoji
This unit can also reclass to the base classes of a unit with whom they have an S or A+ support.

Growth rates when reclassed[]

Class HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance
Mechanist 40% 75% 0% 35% 60% 35% 30% 55%

Class HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance
Master Ninja 35% 70% 0% 40% 70% 30% 30% 60%

Class HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance
Diviner 30% 70% 15% 30% 65% 35% 25% 10%

Class HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance
Basara 50% 75% 10% 30% 60% 45% 30% 50%

Class HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance
Onmyoji 30% 65% 20% 30% 65% 30% 25% 55%

Promotion stat gains[]

Class HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Weapon level
Master Ninja +1 +2 +0 +2 +3 +1 +1 +5 +1 3DSRankSword E
Mechanist +2 +4 +0 +1 -1 +1 +3 +3 +2 3DSRankBow E

Class HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Weapon level
Basara +5 +7 +1 +2 +1 +4 +6 +3 +1 3DSRankLance E 3DSRankTome E
Onmyoji +1 +0 +3 +1 +1 +1 +2 +3 +1 3DSRankTome E 3DSRankStaff E


Skill Learned at
Is 3ds shuriken mastery Shuriken Mastery Personal skill, innate and unremovable
Is 3ds locktouch Locktouch Innate
Is 3ds poison strike Poison Strike Innate
Is 3ds golembane Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds replicate Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds lethality Lethality Master Ninja, starting from level 5
Is 3ds shurikenfaire Shurikenfaire Master Ninja, starting from level 15
Is 3ds magic +2 Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 11
Is 3ds future sight Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 11
Rend Heaven Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds quixotic Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
Is 3ds rally magic Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds tomefaire Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
Is 3ds grisly wound Grisly Wound Ninja, starting from Level 13
Is 3ds pavise Pavise Master Ninja, starting from Level 17
Is 3ds inevitable end Inevitable End Master Ninja, starting from Level 17

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Character Description[]

Honorable Ninja

A ninja of Hoshido who is ready to lay down her life for her liege. One of Ryoma's retainers. Appears in Fire Emblem Fates.

Base stats[]

FEH Kagero portrait
Weapon Dagger
Movement FEH Group (Infantry)

Max HP 14/15/16 Attack 8/9/10
Speed 7/8/9 Defense 3/4/5
Resistance 4/5/6 Total 41

Max HP 26/29/32 Attack 30/33/36
Speed 27/30/33 Defense 17/20/23
Resistance 22/25/28 Total 137

Max HP 3 Attack 8
Speed 7 Defense 4
Resistance 6 Total 28

Is feh skill offense Poison Dagger
FEH Skill (Assist) --
FEH Skill (Special) Retribution

FEH Kagero portrait
Weapon Dagger
Movement FEH Group (Infantry)

Max HP 15/16/17 Attack 8/9/10
Speed 7/8/9 Defense 4/5/6
Resistance 5/6/7 Total 44

Max HP 28/31/34 Attack 32/35/38
Speed 29/32/35 Defense 19/22/25
Resistance 24/28/31 Total 147~148

Max HP 3 Attack 8
Speed 7 Defense 4
Resistance 6 Total 28

Is feh skill offense Poison Dagger+
FEH Skill (Assist) --
FEH Skill (Special) Retribution


Skill Rarity SP cost
FEH Skill Offense Iron Dagger Innate
FEH Skill Offense Steel Dagger Innate
FEH Skill Offense Poison Dagger Innate
FEH Skill Offense Poison Dagger+ ★★★★★ 300 SP
FEH Skill (Special) Retribution Innate
FEH Skill (Special) Reprisal ★★★★ 300 SP
FEH Warding Blow 1A Warding Blow 1 ★★★★ 50 SP
FEH Warding Blow 2A Warding Blow 2 ★★★★ 100 SP
FEH Warding Blow 3A Warding Blow 3 ★★★★★ 200 SP
FEH Daggerbreaker 1B Daggerbreaker 1 ★★★★ 50 SP
FEH Daggerbreaker 2B Daggerbreaker 2 ★★★★ 100 SP
FEH Daggerbreaker 3B Daggerbreaker 3 ★★★★ 200 SP

Other Appearances[]

Fire Emblem Cipher[]

Kagero makes an appearance in the trading card game, Fire Emblem Cipher, with the following cards.

Fire Emblem Cipher data for Kagero
FE0 Kagero B02-016HN Loyal Kunoichi, Kagero
Ic TCGCipher Hoshido

It TCGCipher Female

Iw TCGCipher Knife

"Enemies of Lord Ryoma, this Kagero will deal with you!"
Attack: 50 Support: 20 Range: 1-2 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: Master Ninja Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 2
Ninja’s Escape Plan: [Always] Your opponent’s Iw TCGCipher Bow and Iw TCGCipher Knife units in the Rear Guard cannot attack this unit. If this unit was Class Changed, your opponent’s Iw TCGCipher Bow and Iw TCGCipher Knife units in the Rear Guard and Front Line cannot attack this unit.
Sting Shuriken: [Always] When attacking an It TCGCipher Armor unit, this unit gains 20 attack.
Card #B02-016HNArtist: Homare
FE0 Kagero B02-017N Archaic Ninja, Kagero
Ic TCGCipher Hoshido

It TCGCipher Female

Iw TCGCipher Knife

Attack: 30 Support: 20 Range: 1-2 Deploy Cost: 1
Class: Ninja Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Ryoma’s Retainer: [Always] During your turn, if you have “Ryoma” on the field, this unit gains 10 attack.
Is TCGCipher Attack Ninja’s Emblem: When this unit supports an attack, you may discard 1 card. If you do, instead of sending this unit to the Retreat Area, deploy this unit onto the field, tapped.
Card #B02-017NArtist: Homare
Garbed in Glory, Kagero
Ic TCGCipher Hoshido

It TCGCipher Female

Iw TCGCipher Knife

"I look forward to following Lord Ryoma’s path, together in our own way.
Witness our festive fireworks!
Attack: 50 Support: 20 Range: 1-2 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: Master Ninja Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 2
Spirit Blade Dance: [Trigger] You may draw a card whenever a Iw TCGCipher Knife unit performs a Critical Hit.
Solar Stance: [Always] While this unit is in the back line, and you have at least one Iw TCGCipher Knife unit in the front line, this unit cannot be attacked.
Card #B07-062R(+)Artist: Mayo
FE0 Kagero B07-063N Hoshidan Kunoichi, Kagero
Ic TCGCipher Hoshido

It TCGCipher Female

Iw TCGCipher Knife

"The nature of my job requires that I be prepared to give my life every day."
Attack: 30 Support: 20 Range: 1-2 Deploy Cost: 1
Class: Ninja Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Crisp Breathing: [Trigger] When this unit is deployed using “Ninja’s Emblem,” you may select a Cost 1 “Saizo” in your Retreat Area and deploy that unit onto the field, tapped.
Is TCGCipher Attack Ninja’s Emblem: When this unit supports an attack, you may discard 1 card. If you do, instead of sending this unit to the Retreat Area, deploy this unit onto the field, tapped.
Card #B07-063NArtist: AMG
Some card information translation provided by Serenes Forest.
For more detailed strategic information on these cards, see their TCG wiki article on Kagero .


Main article: Kagero/supports


Main article: Kagero/quotes


Kagero - Traditional Ninja (JP)

Kagero continued to serve Ryoma after he was crowned, but there are few records of her activities. Paintings thought to be by her were preserved as national treasures.
Kagero and Avatar (Birthright)
Avatar was hailed as a hero, working alongside his spouse to spread peace worldwide. Kagero remained a ninja. It is said that the couple got along, but didn't have much time together.
Kagero and Avatar (Revelation)
The two spent the rest of their lives together, Avatar ruling as the wise king of Valla. Kagero remained a ninja. It is said that the couple got along, but didn't have much time together.
Kagero and Arthur
Arthur returned to his true calling, justice. Scholars believe his luck improved slightly after the war. Kagero remained a ninja. It is said that the couple got along, but didn't have much time together.
Kagero and Azama
Azama decided to use his talents to inspire and heal the people of Hoshido—rather than taunt them. Kagero remained a ninja. It is said that the couple got along, but didn't have much time together.
Kagero and Hayato
After the war, Hayato traveled the world before replacing Fuga as chief of the Wind Tribe. Kagero remained a ninja. It is said that the couple got along, but didn't have much time together.
Kagero and Hinata
Hinata's passion for the blade did not end with the war. He practiced morning, noon, and night. Kagero remained a ninja. It is said that the couple got along, but didn't have much time together.
Kagero and Jakob
Jakob served as a butler for the rest of his life, but his true love was reserved for his wife alone. Kagero remained a ninja. It is said that the couple got along, but didn't have much time together.
Kagero and Kaden
Despite marriage, Kaden continued to travel, returning favors. Later, he served as chief of his village. Kagero remained a ninja. It is said the couple got along, but didn't have much time together.
Kagero and Kaze
While no official records of Kaze survive, he appears in many rumors and tales of heroic exploits. Kagero remained a ninja. It is said the couple got along, but didn't have much time together.
Kagero and Odin
There are no official records of Odin from after the war, but much was written about (and by) him. Kagero vanished around the same time, but tales of Odin always included his darling wife as well.
Kagero and Ryoma
Ryoma was crowned King of Hoshido, and his rule lead to an era of unprecedented prosperity. Kagero remained a ninja. It is said that the couple got along, but didn't have much time together.
Kagero and Saizo
Saizo disappeared from official records after the war, but no doubt he served the royal family forever. Kagero remained a ninja. It is said that the couple got along, but didn't have much time together.
Kagero and Silas
Silas served loyally as a Knight of Nohr. He was beloved by trainee knights for his great patience. Kagero remained a ninja. It is said that the couple got along, but didn't have much time together.
Kagero and Subaki
Subaki was appointed chief of the pegasus knights and served with a perfect record. Kagero remained a ninja. It is said that the couple got along, but didn't have much time together.
Kagero and Takumi
Takumi grew into his position as a leader and prince. He was a crucial part of Hoshido's recovery. Kagero remained a ninja. It is said that the couple got along, but didn't have much time together.


  Main article: Kagero/gallery


External links[]
