Jumpluff is a round, blue plant Pokémon with red, pupilless, beady eyes, two small, round feet, and a tail. Three cotton puffs, almost as large as the body itself, extend off it: one on each arm, and one on top of its head. These puffs produce cotton spores that Jumpluff can use to float in the air, and it can control its flight even in a hurricane. Three to four leaves grow at the base of the top puff.
Jumpluff drifts on seasonal winds and can use its spores to masterfully maneuver itself around the globe. It will spread cotton spores as it floats around to create offspring; inhaling these spores may cause coughs and itchiness. It descends if it encounters cold air currents while it is floating. Though it spends a good amount of time in the air, it is commonly sighted above open temperate grasslands. Once Jumpluff runs out of its cotton spores, its journey — and its life — reaches its end.
Main Pokémon games[]
Other Pokémon games[]
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team: A Jumpluff seeks the help of Shiftry to rescue its friend, another Jumpluff who is trapped in the Silent Chasm. Shiftry fails and the player has to go to the rescue. For the rest of the main game, they are seen around Pokémon Square. Shortly after the end credits, both Jumpluff fly away on the winds.
Jumpluff rides warm southern winds to cross the sea and fly to foreign lands. The Pokémon descends to the ground when it encounters cold air while it is floating.
Jumpluff rides warm southern winds to cross the sea and fly to foreign lands. The Pokémon descends to the ground when it encounters cold air while it is floating.
Jumpluff rides warm southern winds to cross the sea and fly to foreign lands. The Pokémon descends to the ground when it encounters cold air while it is floating.
Jumpluff rides warm southern winds to cross the sea and fly to foreign lands. The Pokémon descends to the ground when it encounters cold air while it is floating.
At 6.6 lbs. (3 kg), Jumpluff is the lightest Pokémon that has undergone two evolutions.
In Pokémon Colosseum, the shadows of Jumpluff's spores are square. In addition, the spores are always facing the same way relative to the camera, and as such, the player is only able to see one side of them. This was fixed in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.