Izuka (Japanese: イズカ Izca) is a citizen of Daein and an advisor to Pelleas in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
Izuka is a minor character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. He is the scientist who invented the formula that turns Laguz into Feral Ones. He is briefly seen in Chapter 28, where he releases several Feral Ones to defend the Tower of Gritnea and flees.
Izuka ascends to become a major antagonist in Radiant Dawn. He has discovered the late King Ashnard's orphan son Pelleas and helped him raise the Daein Liberation Army to take the Daein throne and remove the corrupt Begnion occupation from the country. Izuka is initially suspicious of Micaiah when she arrives to join the Liberation Army, coming to the hasty conclusion that she intends to usurp the throne from Pelleas. However, after learning that she is the folk hero known as the Silver-Haired Maiden, he immediately demands she join them, hoping for her to serve as a figurehead for the revolution. During the war, he proves to be terribly incompetent in his role as a tactician; his plans show poor tactical judgement at best and flagrant disregard for ethical standards at worst. Micaiah soon ends up serving in his role for the remainder of the uprising.
After the Daein victory, Izuka, who is secretly allied with the corrupt Begnion senate, tricks Pelleas into signing a blood pact to keep Daein under Begnion's thumb. When Asherapetrifies the world, Izuka sides with her and is confronted by Tibarn and his group, potentially including Pelleas. He reveals that he lied to Pelleas all along; Pelleas was a random blue-haired orphan he found that he could claim to be Ashnard's child and use as a figurehead. Izuka summons several Feral Ones to attack, but Tibarn and his party overwhelm his forces and kill him.