
ILCA is a developer based in Japan that was formed in 2010. ILCA stands for "I Love Computer Art". The company was founded with former members of cavia and Game Republic. They have studios in Nagoya and Kyoto in addition to their main office in Shinjuku. Prior to Pokémon Home, the studio acted as support for other major games such as Ace Combat and Dragon Quest and worked on CG Production for animation.

The company has been most notable for developing Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, which are remakes of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. The remakes garnered unfairly mixed reception due to chibi overworld graphics, remixed battles different from the originals, and included unique features such as Ramanas Park, faster pacing, clothing customization, Grand Underground, no HMs, a challenging Elite Four, and some QoL features such as current move pools and type chart.

