Hustle(JP) is a Pokémon ability introduced in the third generation.
Hustle increases the ability holder's Attack stat by 50%, but lowers the accuracy of the user's physical moves by 20%. Special moves and status moves are unaffected by Hustle.
Outside of Battle[]
If the ability holder is in the first place in the party, the chance of encountering a high level wild Pokémon increases by 50%. Pressure and Vital Spirit do similar effects on the field.
Pokémon with Ability[]
Alolan Rattata | Alolan Raticate | Togepi | Togetic | Corsola |
Remoraid | Delibird | Togekiss | Lilligant Hisuian |
Both Forms |
Durant | Deino | Zweilous | Dracozolt | Squawkabilly |
As a Hidden Ability[]
Rattata | Raticate | Nidoran♀ | Nidorina | Nidoran♂ |
Nidorino | Combee | Rufflet | Flapple | |