
Homecoming (A Good Day for a Dream in China) is a two-minute animated short based on Chinese New Year. It was announced on Weibo on January 31, 2024. It was released on Weibo, Douyin, and Bilibili in mainland China on February 2, 2024, on YouTube in Traditional Chinese on February 6, 2024, on the official Asian Pokémon and Pokémon Kids TV YouTube channels on February 9, 2024, and on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in English and Latin American Spanish on February 10, 2024.



  • The short's name is a pun on the Chinese name of Pokémon (宝可梦).
  • The Traditional Chinese, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, and Western uploads of this short do not contain ending credits, and instead end by fading to a black screen with a copyright notice.
  • The Western uploads of this short do not include the short's title, instead only being posted with the text "Wishing you all a weekend filled with togetherness and joy, Trainers!" in English and the text "Un mundo Pokémon" in Spanish.
  • The descriptions of the Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Asian English uploads of this short mention that the short is based on the Spring Festival. The descriptions of the Pokémon Kids TV uploads and uploads in other languages do not mention this.

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