
HM stands for Hidden Machine. In the Pokémon series HMs are used to teach your Pokémon moves that can be used on the overworld, often to solve puzzles or cross terrain that the player otherwise couldn't. Unlike TMs, HMs can be used more than once, however some newer generations let TMs be used infinitely like HMs. HMs were discontinued after the sixth generation, with their outside battle function getting integrated into new mechanics such as Ride Pokémon. The moves were mostly turned into TMs.

Generation I[]

No. Move Location Badge
HM01 HM01 Cut S.S. Anne Cascade Badge
HM02 HM02 Fly Route 16 Thunder Badge
HM03 HM03 Surf Safari Zone Soul Badge
HM04 HM04 Strength Fuchsia City Rainbow Badge
HM05 HM05 Flash Route 2 Boulder Badge

Generation II[]

No. Move Location Badge
HM01 HM01 Cut Ilex Forest Hive Badge
HM02 HM02 Fly Cianwood City Storm Badge
HM03 HM03 Surf Ecruteak City Fog Badge
HM04 HM04 Strength Olivine City Plain Badge
HM05 HM05 Flash Sprout Tower Zephyr Badge
HM06 HM06 Whirlpool Team Rocket HQ Glacier Badge
HM07 HM07 Waterfall Ice Path Rising Badge

Generation III[]

No. Move Location Badge
Hoenn Kanto/Sevii Hoenn Kanto/Sevii
HM01 HM01 Cut Rustboro City S.S. Anne Stone Badge Cascade Badge
HM02 HM02 Fly Route 119 Route 16 Feather Badge Thunder Badge
HM03 HM03 Surf Petalburg City Safari Zone Balance Badge Soul Badge
HM04 HM04 Strength Rusturf Tunnel Fuchsia City Heat Badge Rainbow Badge
HM05 HM05 Flash Granite Cave Route 2 Knuckle Badge Boulder Badge
HM06 HM06 Rock Smash Mauville City Ember Spa Dynamo Badge Marsh Badge
HM07 HM07 Waterfall Cave of Origin*,
Sootopolis City*
Icefall Cave Rain Badge Volcano Badge
HM08 HM08 Dive Mossdeep City Mind

Generation IV[]

No. Move Location Badge
Sinnoh Johto/Kanto Sinnoh Johto/Kanto
HM01 HM01 Cut Eterna City Ilex Forest Forest Badge Hive Badge
HM02 HM02 Fly Veilstone City Cianwood City Cobble Badge Storm Badge
HM03 HM03 Surf Celestic Town Ecruteak City Relic Badge*
Fen Badge*
Fog Badge
HM04 HM04 Strength Lost Tower*
Iron Island*
Route 42 Mine Badge Plain Badge
HM05 HM05 Defog Great Marsh*
Solaceon Ruins*
Fen Badge*
Relic Badge*
HM05 HM05 Whirlpool Team Rocket HQ Glacier Badge
HM06 HM06 Rock Smash Oreburgh Gate Route 36 Coal Badge Zephyr Badge
HM07 HM07 Waterfall Sunyshore City Ice Path Beacon Badge Rising Badge
HM08 HM08 Rock Climb Route 217 Pallet Town Icicle Badge Earth Badge

Generation V[]

No. Move Location
HM01 HM01 Cut Striaton City Virbank City
HM02 HM02 Fly Driftveil City Route 5
HM03 HM03 Surf Twist Mountain Route 6
HM04 HM04 Strength Nimbasa City Castelia Sewers
HM05 HM05 Waterfall Route 18 Victory Road
HM06 HM06 Dive Undella Town

Generation VI[]

No. Move Location Badge
Kalos Hoenn Kalos Hoenn
HM01 HM01 Cut Parfum Palace Rustboro City Bug Badge Stone Badge
HM02 HM02 Fly Coumarine City Fortree City Plant Badge Feather Badge
HM03 HM03 Surf Shalour City Petalburg City Rumble Badge Balance Badge
HM04 HM04 Strength Cyllage City Route 112 Cliff Badge Heat Badge
HM05 HM05 Waterfall Route 19 Prize for defeating Wallace Iceberg Badge Rain Badge
HM06 HM06 Rock Smash Mauville City Dynamo Badge
HM07 HM07 Dive Mossdeep City Mind Badge
Technical Machines
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Technical Records
01 • 02 • 03 • 04 • 05 • 06 • 07 • 08 • 09 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20
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Hidden Machines
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