
Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite!(JP) is a Game Boy Color video game that was developed by Pax Softnica and published by Nintendo. It was one of the last Game Boy Color video games ever released, understandable seeing that it came out in 2002 in America and 2003 in Europe.

The protagonist of this game, and most every Hamtaro video game is Hamtaro himself, who this time around has been ordered by Boss to send all of the other friendly hamsters over to their clubhouse. The hamsters are scattered all over the place, and will leave once you solve their puzzles that you give them.

Game Boy Advance[]

If you place the Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite! game cartridge into the Game Boy Advance, you'll be able to buy one at the HM Boutique. It is usually nothing more than a Game Boy.

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