
Grimmsnarlis a Dark/Fairy type Pokémon introduced in the eighth generation games, Pokémon Sword and Shield. It evolves from Morgrem at level 42. It is the final form of Impidimp. It has a Gigantamax form.

Physiology and Behavior[]

Grimmsnarl is a green-skinned humanoid Pokémon mostly covered in long, dark purple hair, except for part of its face, its abdomen, its feet, and a small red patch on its chest. Most of its hair wraps around its body, except for a lock on each side of its face, a few spikes raised on its shoulders and some locks draping from behind its legs resembling a cape. While being bulkier than its pre-evolutions, Grimmsnarl is more slender than it appears to be, with its hair giving the appearance of a muscular body. Grimmsnarl's hair works like muscle fibers and helps enhance its strength. Grimmsnarl is able to move its hair, and uses them to ensnare opponents in a tentacle-like fashion. By using its hair in this way, Grimmsnarl is powerful enough to overwhelm Machamp.

Like its pre-evolutions, Grimmsnarl has tall, large crescent-shaped ears with red insides, as well as a long, sharp, upturned nose with a single long red nostril. It has a blue tongue and six teeth protruding from its mouth: two pairs of flat front teeth on each jaw, and a pair of sharp fangs on the upper jaw. It has white eyes with red irises, black pupils, and gray eyelids. Its face ends in a small pointy chin. Grimmsnarl's hands and feet have three pointed digits each. Grimmsnarl and its pre-evolutions are male-only species. It lives in the forests, and retains the troublemaking behavior of its pre-evolved forms.

Gigantamax Grimmsnarl[]

While in its Gigantamax form, it becomes much taller and all of its body except its face and chest mark is covered in hair. Its limbs become longer, and its hair now makes up its hands and feet, each with three and two digits respectively. Its eyes are red with white pupils, and the hair from around its neck and shoulders is raised in a pointy collar shape surrounding its head, as the two longer rear locks join in a single spike waving above the head. Three red clouds surround the back hair that pointed up. When in Gigantamax form, it is capable of creating a powerful drill with its leg hair, which can bore large holes within Galar's terrain. Thanks to its increased strength, Gigantamax Grimmsnarl can jump over the world's tallest building.


Main Pokémon games []

Pokémon spin-offs []

In the anime []

In the manga[]


In-game Information[]

Pokédex Entry[]


Title Entry
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword With the hair wrapped around its body helping to enhance its muscles, this Pokémon can overwhelm even Machamp.
Pokémon Shield Its hairs work like muscle fibers. When its hairs unfurl, they latch on to opponents, ensnaring them as tentacles would.
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet This Pokémon has complete control over its hair. Grimmsnarl normally keeps its hair wrapped around its body to support its muscles.
Pokémon Violet It lives deep within the forest. Even after evolving into this splendid form, it hasn't given up on its petty misdeeds and pranks.

Gigantimax Grimmsnarl[]

Title Entry
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword By transforming its leg hair, this Pokémon delivers power-packed drill kicks that can bore huge holes in Galar's terrain.
Pokémon Shield Gigantamax energy has caused more hair to sprout all over its body. With the added strength, it can jump over the world's tallest building.

Game Locations[]

Title Location(s)
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword
Lake of Outrage
Max Raid Battle (Dusty Bowl, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage, Rolling Fields)
Pokémon Shield
Lake of Outrage
Max Raid Battle (Dusty Bowl, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage, Rolling Fields)
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
Tera Raid Battles (5★)
Timeless Woods
Pokémon Violet
Tera Raid Battles (5★)
Timeless Woods


Level 32
Level 42

Form Change[]

with Gigantamax Factor
Gigantamax Form
PKMNSV861 Grimmsnarl (Gigantamax)

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 95
Attack 120
Defense 65
Sp. Attack 95
Sp. Defense 75
Speed 60
Total 510


Main article: Grimmsnarl/moveset


Sword Shield

Image Needed

Scarlet Violet

Image Needed
