
Goomby and Foomby are characters from the Nintendo Adventure Books series. They are Goomba Troopae, and lead more of their own kind.

Goomby and Foomby make their debut within the adventure book Monster Mix-Up. Here, Mario chases Luigi, but he gets spotted by a Goomba Troopa who warns the duo of his presence as she turns back to the pack. Mario charges the pack and comes back juggling Goomby and Foomby, though they use their last-ditch weapon, two Goombombs, to stop him from abusing them. Mario has to find which ones are Goomby and Foomby. If you get the puzzle right, they will be beaten to death as their Goombombs are discarded before their detonation. However, the Goomba Troopae following them manage to kidnap King Toadstool for fusion with Elmo (Monster Mix-Up).
