
Golett (JP) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a dual-type Ground/Ghost Pokémon that made its first appearance in the fifth Pokémon generation in the Black and White games. It evolves into Golurk starting at level 43.

Physiology and Behaviour[]

Golett is a bipedal Pokémon said to have been constructed from clay in the ancient past to protect a civilization of people and Pokémon. Its body is primarily covered by two different shades of blue. Its head features two bewitching, yellow eyes and a stub-like cyan-colored crest on top. Two pairs of crisscrossing brown bands extend around its spherical body meeting at a blue square with a yellow swirl in the center. Two large stone-like blocks act as its feet and two more such blocks adorn its "forearms"; each arm ends in a dark blue-colored, crude three-fingered hand.

Golett is believed to burn energy inside its core in order to move; this energy also emanates light through the holes near Golett's arms and legs. However, this energy has yet to be identified by researchers. Allegedly "active for thousands of years", Golett's animating energy is speculated to run out soon. For unclear reasons, Golett have been reported to continually line up boulders.



Golett draws inspiration from golems, and perhaps also the Haniwa, funerary objects made from terracotta clay that are specific to the Japanese anthropological record. It may also be based on a cannonball as it can tuck its limbs into spherical body and its evolved form transforms into a cannon.

In-game information[]

Pokédex entries[]

Title Entry
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black The energy that burns inside it enables it to move, but no one has yet been able to identify this energy.
Pokémon White These Pokémon are thought to have been created by the science of an ancient and mysterious civilization.
Pokémon Black 2 Ancient science fashioned this Pokémon from clay. It's been active for thousands of years.
Pokémon White 2 Ancient science fashioned this Pokémon from clay. It's been active for thousands of years.
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X The energy that burns inside it enables it to move, but no one has yet been able to identify this energy.
Pokémon Y Ancient science fashioned this Pokémon from clay. It's been active for thousands of years.
Pokémon Omega Ruby The energy that burns inside it enables it to move, but no one has yet been able to identify this energy.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Ancient science fashioned this Pokémon from clay. It's been active for thousands of years.
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Ultra Sun Its movements are powered by a mysterious energy. It has continued to move since ancient times, so its power may soon run out.
Pokémon Ultra Moon Although ancient people apparently built it by working with clay, the source of its energy is unclear.
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword They were sculpted from clay in ancient times. No one knows why, but some of them are driven to continually line up boulders.
Pokémon Shield This Pokémon was created from clay. It received orders from its master many thousands of years ago, and it still follows those orders to this day.
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet These Pokémon are thought to have been created by the science of an ancient and mysterious civilization.
Pokémon Violet Its movements are powered by a mysterious energy. It has continued to move since ancient times, so its power may soon run out.

Game locations[]

Title Location(s)
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black
Dragonspiral Tower
Pokémon White
Dragonspiral Tower
Pokémon Black 2
Breed Golurk
Pokémon White 2
Breed Golurk
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X
Route 10
Pokémon Y
Route 10
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Ultra Sun
Haina Desert (SOS Battle)
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword
Route 8, Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, Watchtower Ruins, North Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, Giant's Cap, Stony Wilderness, Rolling Fields, Dusty Bowl (Max Raid Battle)
Frostpoint Field, Snowslide Slope, Frigid Sea, Ballimere Lake (Max Raid Battle)
Pokémon Shield
Route 8, Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, Watchtower Ruins, North Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, Giant's Cap, Stony Wilderness, Rolling Fields, Dusty Bowl (Max Raid Battle)
Frostpoint Field, Snowslide Slope, Frigid Sea, Ballimere Lake (Max Raid Battle)
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
Canyon Biome, Chargestone Cavern, Polar Biome
Pokémon Violet
Canyon Biome, Chargestone Cavern, Polar Biome


Reach level 43.

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 59
Attack 74
Defense 50
Sp. Attack 35
Sp. Defense 50
Speed 35
Total 303


Main article: Golett/moveset



Black White

Image Needed

Black 2 White 2
Image Needed

Image Needed

Image Needed

Image Needed

Sword Shield

Image Needed

Scarlet Violet

Image Needed
