
Fletchling(JP) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a dual-type Normal-type/Flying-type Pokémon that made its first appearance in the sixth generation games X and Y. It evolves into Fletchinder starting at level 17.

Physiology and Behaviour[]

Fletchling is a small, avian Pokémon similar in appearance to a robin. It has a reddish-orange head with a triangular yellow mark on the back of each eye. Its body and wings are gray, and there are white tips on the wings. It has a long, black tail with a white V-shaped marking near the tip. The tail ends in two points and has two feathers sticking out at the base, resembling the fletching on the end of an arrow. Its legs, small beak, and eyes are black. The legs are thin and spindly, with two toes facing forward and one facing backward on each foot.

Fletchling is said to be very friendly and is well known for its beautiful songs. It communicates by using chirps and moving its tailfeathers to signal others of its kind. In spite of its typically peaceful disposition, it is relentless in battle and very territorial, attacking perceived threats mercilessly. Its body is warm and doubles in temperature when startled or excited. This increase in temperature spikes hormone production in its body. It can burn someone if they touch it with their bare hands. Fletchling live in both rural and urban areas, and once had massive territorial fights with Squawkabilly in the Paldea region.


Main Pokémon games[]

Other Pokémon games[]

Super Smash Bros. series[]

When summoned from a Pokéball, Fletchling uses the move, Peck, on the opponents of the player who summoned it. It hops around the stage and the attack has very little damage and knockback but, it does interrupt attacks.

Trophy descriptions[]

These Normal/Flying-type Pokémon are a popular choice with trainers, thanks to their beautiful voices and friendly personalities. They're found all over the cities of the Kalos region. They are quite territorial, however, and aren't afraid to use Peck on anyone who trespasses.
Nintendo 3DS - Pokémon X and Pokémon Y - (10/2013)

In the anime[]

Fletchling is the second Pokémon Ash obtains in Kalos. It is first shown stealing a berry Bonnie was using to try and get a Dedenne. Ash uses Froakie to battle it multiple times before catching it later. It eventually evolved into a Talonflame.

Origin and inspiration[]

In-game information[]

Pokédex entries[]

Title Entry
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X These friendly Pokémon send signals to one another with beautiful chirps and tail-feather movements.
Pokémon Y Despite the beauty of its lilting voice, it's merciless to intruders that enter its territory.
Pokémon Omega Ruby These friendly Pokémon send signals to one another with beautiful chirps and tail-feather movements.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Despite the beauty of its lilting voice, it's merciless to intruders that enter its territory.
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sun This amiable Pokémon is easy to train. But when battle is joined, it shows its ferocious side.
Pokémon Moon When it's excited, its temperature can double, spiking hormone production in its body.
Pokémon Ultra Sun While it's an amiable Pokémon, if you touch it unexpectedly, it will heat up its body in an instant, and you'll be burned.
Pokémon Ultra Moon Its body is always warm. Trainers who live in cold areas apparently sleep with it in their bed.
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword Its melodious cries are actually warnings. Fletchling will mercilessly peck at anything that enters its territory.
Pokémon Shield When this Pokémon gets excited, its body temperature increases sharply. If you touch a Fletchling with bare hands, you might get burned.
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet This Pokémon is normally calm, but once it enters battle, its hormonal balance changes and it becomes aggressive.
Pokémon Violet Fletchling can be found in both rural and urban areas. They once had a huge territorial dispute with Squawkabilly. Fights broke out all over town.

Game locations[]

Title Location(s)
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X
Routes 2 and 3, Santalune Forest
Pokémon Y
Routes 2 and 3, Santalune Forest
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sun
Wela Volcano Park
Pokémon Moon
Wela Volcano Park
Pokémon Ultra Sun
Route 8, Wela Volcano Park
Pokémon Ultra Moon
Route 8, Wela Volcano Park
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword
Challenge Road, Loop Lagoon, Potbottom Desert
Pokémon Shield
Challenge Road, Loop Lagoon, Potbottom Desert
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
Poco Path, South Province Area One, South Province Area Two)
Pokémon Violet
Poco Path, South Province Area One, South Province Area Two)


Reach level 17.
Reach level 35.

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 45
Attack 50
Defense 43
Sp. Attack 40
Sp. Defense 38
Speed 62
Total 278


Main article: Fletchling/moveset




Image Needed

Sword Shield

Image Needed

Scarlet Violet

Image Needed
