
Fidough is an Fairy type Pokémon in the franchise of the same name. It was introduced into the ninth generation. It evolves into Dachsbun starting at level 26.

Physiology and Behavior[]

Fidough is a small canine Pokémon with a large head and stubby legs. The head contains small, black beady eyes with rounded eyebrow-like growths on top; a snout with a rounded triangular nose and a tiny mouth; and rounded ears that resemble pastries or bread buns. Fidough has a large dewlap on its neck on which it is able to rest its head on while sleeping. Its back has multiple protrusions that resemble a braid, and its tail is composed of two bulbous segments. Its fur is off-white in coloration, with yellow accents on the top of its head, its eyebrows, the insides of its ears, around its neck, and on its tail.

Fidough's smooth, moist skin is firm yet soft to the touch, and has elastic qualities; when agitated, Fidough will puff itself up to appear larger, in an attempt to intimidate its opponents. Fidough's breath contains yeast and is used to ferment things. Fidough has long been considered a companion for humanity, because its yeast is useful for cooking.


Main Pokémon games[]

Other Pokémon games[]

In the anime[]

Origin & Inspiration[]

Fidough is a portmanteau between "Fido" (a stereotypical dog name) and dough.

In-game Information[]

Pokédex Entries[]

Title Entry
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet This Pokémon is smooth and moist to the touch. Yeast in Fidough’s breath induces fermentation in the Pokémon’s vicinity.
Pokémon Violet The yeast in Fidough's breath is useful for cooking, so this Pokémon has been protected by people since long ago.

Game Locations[]

Title Location(s)
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
South Province (Area One), The Pokémon League, South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Six), South Province (Area Three), West Province (Area Three), East Province (Area Three)
Pokémon Violet
South Province (Area One), The Pokémon League, South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Six), South Province (Area Three), West Province (Area Three), East Province (Area Three)


Level 26

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 37
Attack 55
Defense 70
Sp. Attack 30
Sp. Defense 55
Speed 65
Total 312


Main article: Fidough/moveset



Scarlet Violet


