Fecto Elfilis, also known as the Ultimate Life-Form, is the final boss of Kirby and the Forgotten Land. They are the original, complete form of Fecto Forgo and Elfilin. Without Elfilin, Fecto Elfilis reverts back into Fecto Forgo, but they have some time before they revert all the way. This form is likely the one the original "ID-F86" specimen was in when they arrived in the New World. Even with their more compassionate side, Elfilis's main goal is invading other planets, according to their figure description.
Fecto Elfilis is a hostile being that hails from the depths of space. They have the unique ability to open dimensional rifts and travel through them to other dimensions, and as such, their two halves, Fecto Forgo and Elfilin, share this ability as well. However, Fecto Elfilis used their ability for their own invasive purposes.
In the distant past, Fecto Elfilis arrived upon the forgotten world and attempted to invade it, raining destruction on the native wildlife. However, before their invasion could be completed, Fecto Elfilis was captured by the research team of an ancient civilization that once lived on the planet. Then, the research team began to study their spatial teleportation ability at Lab Discovera, the results of which allowed them to become highly advanced in science and create technologies that share Fecto Elfilis's ability. 30 years after the research began, however, an incident occurred during an experiment with Fecto Elfilis's warp ability, in which they were split in two. Their compassionate, passive half became a being known as Elfilin, who escaped in the aftermath, while their malevolent, invasive half became Fecto Forgo, who remained trapped in the Eternal Capsule. Sometime afterwards, the people of the civilization abandoned the planet with their newfound technology, leaving behind Fecto Forgo and Elfilin. A long time afterward, Fecto Forgo, using their psychic powers, overtook the minds of the animals on the planet, using them to form the Beast Pack in an attempt to find Elfilin so they can reunite into Fecto Elfilis, leading to the events of Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
Fecto Forgo was ultimately successful in recovering Elfilin by having King Dedede, whom they had also brainwashed, capture him and bring him to Lab Discovera. However, Kirby fought all the way there, defeated its mind-controlled army of beasts, up to and including their leader Leongar, and managed to rescue him. Fecto Forgo then took matters into its own hands by consuming Leongar and many other Beast Pack members to chase after the two of them, and although Kirby managed to defeat them without much trouble in this weak and unstable form, they still managed to capture and assimilate Elfilin, becoming Fecto Elfilis again for a final battle with Kirby. Kirby manages to separate the two once again though, and Fecto Forgo tried to use the last of its powers as Fecto Elfilis to make Pop Star crash into the Forgotten Land through a portal as its body started to fall apart. Kirby uses Mouthful Mode to drive a truck into Fecto Elfilis, destroying its body.
After this, Fecto Forgo remains as a psychic presence separate from Elfilin until it is forcefully assimilated by Morpho Knight temporarily. It gains a newly created body "born from chaos" and returns as Chaos Elfilis without the need for Elfilin for one final battle with Kirby. Chaos Elfilis is finally defeated and the last remnants of Fecto Forgo are returned to Elfilin, who becomes a complete being without assuming Fecto Elfilis' form.
Fecto Elfilis uses several fast-paced attacks that force the player to move constantly to avoid being hit.
They start the battle by flying far into the background out of any attack's range. They then wave their spear, summoning and firing seven energy blades that resemble their spearhead, that land in succession and Kirby must keep moving until the last one lands to avoid it, this attack can also be used when they are on the ground. Another attack they will use in the air is a giant laser that occasionally targets Kirby, traveling in a straight line, and leaves a heated trail that fades quickly, when it ends it creates an energy burst. Kirby can outrun the laser and easily jump over the heated trail left behind. When Fecto Elfilis finishes using an attack from the air, they will either fly extremely quickly to the ground near Kirby or crash to the ground with their spear that creates a small energy burst. Sometimes, Fecto Elfilis will launch an attack where they dive down from the air and drag their spear across the ground twice, leaving a trail of hot rocks that disappear after a short while, before launching a spear crash attack, and ends with them crashing to the ground.
When Fecto Elfilis is on the ground, they use their spear to attack. They can spin their spear around once or twice, but this attack can be avoided by either jumping over with good timing or floating above until it ends. Another way they use their spear to attack is by charging straight at Kirby and the latter must dodge by either moving out of the way or floating above them, they may follow up with a spin of spear. Their final ground based attack is where they generate a star-shape space portals and strike their spear into it, five big portals appear around the stage and each has light ray shine down on where the giant spear will strike down and created shockwaves along the ground all around the stage.
After Fecto Elfilis loses about over half of their health, their attacks become more numerous and new ones are used. Fecto Elfilis starts the second half of the battle by creating a massive space distortion in the sky and opening portals to summon asteroids of building debris to hurl at Kirby. The location the asteroids hit can be determined by the shadows they cast before they land. After the sixth asteroid lands, a giant asteroid that takes up most of the arena space comes out of the portal. Kirby must run to the far end of the arena to avoid being hit by the giant asteroid. They may immediately follow up by crashing into Kirby or dragging their spear. Sometimes Fecto Elfilis may not summon the giant asteroid and follow up with flying close to Kirby or crash into the ground.
For their other new attack, Fecto Elfilis creates two illusions of themselves and tries to heal. The three Fecto Elfilis come to the ground and a damaging cyan ring closes in on the real one that heals a portion of their health when it closes around them. The portion healed is presented on the health bar in aquamarine, but the healing can be prevented if Kirby attacks the real Fecto Elfilis and inflicts enough damage to lower the aquamarine portion to almost nothing before the ring closes. If the healing is prevented, they will be damaged even more and temporarily stunned for a short moment. When Fecto Elfilis splits apart and them and their illusions emit their first star, the real Fecto Elfilis will only emit one while illusions will emit two. In addition, there will be no shadow under the illusions.
The rest of Fecto Elfilis's attacks are the same as in the first half, except they become much more numerous. The spear spinning attack is used four times instead of two, the spear charge attack can be used up to three times consecutively, and the dive-bomb attack up to three times instead of two. After summoning energy blades, they may follow up with a spear charge and then a spear spin. When they strike into the portal, the five giant spears will strike in a line and they will repeat one more time on the other side of the stage.
Once Fecto Elfilis takes enough damage, they collapse and Elfilin begins to emerge on their back inside an energy dome. Kirby must use the dome-mouth ability to pull Elfilin out. Fecto Elfilis will try to stop Kirby by telekinetically controlling their spear to attack him. Should the spear hit Kirby, Fecto Elfilis will drag Elfilin back inside their body, restoring some of their health, and the battle continues.
When Elfilin is extracted from Fecto Elfilis, the latter becomes unstable and begins to melt. They open a giant portal to pull Planet Popstar and the forgotten world into each other to destroy them both. Kirby then uses a big-rig truck to drive across the floating buildings being pulled by Popstar's gravity to reach Fecto Elfilis. Near the end, they summon two giant asteroid of debris to try and stop Kirby and the Player has to rapidly press the dash button to dash under one and the jump button to jump over the other one. When Kirby starts to come through, Fecto Elfilis uses their power to summon another asteroid to try to stop Kirby and the Player has to rapidly press dash to push through. When Kirby starts to break through, Fecto Elfilis uses their power to push the asteroid, but Elfilin uses his power to give Kirby more power. The Player then has to press dash again and toggle the joystick around simultaneously to crush the asteroid and crash into Fecto Elfilis, destroying them.
Fecto Elfilis figurine[]
- "The Elfilin we met was born from a small, compassionate soul that hid behind greater, invasive ambitions. Without a soul to temper its power, the creature's spatial-teleportation ability ran amok, opening mysterious vortices left and right. Now that they're whole again, they're already planning their next invasion."
Chaos Elfilis figurine[]
- A unique convergence of elements, from native-beast souls to ethereal butterfly, gave a stubborn soul one last chance at revenge. This new creation, driven by pure chaos, was defeated by the bright light of Kirby's hope. The last bit of life that remained willingly returned to Elfilin. At last, two became one.