
Falinks is a Fighting-type Pokémon introduced in Pokémon Sword and Shield. It is not known to evolve into any other Pokémon, nor does it have any alternate forms.

Physiology and Behavior[]

Falinks is a group of small, bipedal Pokémon. A single Falinks is a formation of six individuals, similar to Exeggcute. It consists of five troopers and a leader, known as "the brass". Falinks usually march in a single file line headed by the brass, giving their formation the appearance of a caterpillar. However, Falinks occasionally break their formation to attack. They are genderless and have no visible mouths.

The six members rely on teamwork as their strategy to win battles, and constantly change formation when they fight. The five troopers follow their brass loyally, and the brass's orders are considered absolute by them. Falinks are capable of fitting into small holes, as shown in Route 8, where they can be seen marching and charging through small caves and crevices.

An individual Falinks trooper has a black, spherical body with two stout, trunk-like legs. They also have blue, ovular eyes which can either be interpreted as having white pupils or glowing slightly from their dark body. Each trooper has a golden, armored shell resembling a spartan helmet that covers their dorsal half. This shell is topped with a red crest that terminates in an anterior horn and flanks the lateral sides of the trooper with two horned plates resembling shields. Each of these shields features a red, central horn ringed in white. Each trooper also has a small red horn on their posterior resembling a tail.

The Falinks brass is larger than its five troopers. They have a larger crest with an extendable horn they use to attack. The horn is supported by a golden anterior strut absent in the troopers. The brass's golden shell extends to the ventral half of its body. Unlike its troopers, the brass's lateral shields can be opposed. The brass's shields are often chipped or nicked. When Falinks is marching in formation, the brass holds its two shields in front of its face.


Main Pokémon games[]

Pokémon Spinoffs[]

In the anime[]

In the manga[]


Falinks may be inspired by a group of soldiers in the phalanx formation, where each unit is lined up close together and cover all sides with their shields, which Falinks's limbs resemble. The individual units resemble Spartan helmets during the period of Ancient Rome, adorned with golden plates and red crests. It may also be inspired by the Legio IX Hispana, also known as the 9th Roman Legion or the Lost Legion, which mysteriously disappeared in Britain around 120 AD.

It may also take inspiration from eusociality, a kind of social animal behavior found in certain insects, crustaceans, and mammals characterized by, among other things, the division of labor of the members of the colony, which are sometimes called castes, like soldiers, workers, and the queen. In Falinks's case, the castes are the troopers and the brass.

In addition, Falinks may be inspired by an admiral caterpillar.

In-Game Information[]

Pokédex Entries[]

Title Entry
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword Five of them are troopers, and one is the brass. The brass's orders are absolute.
Pokémon Shield The six of them work together as one Pokémon. Teamwork is also their battle strategy, and they constantly change their formation as they fight.
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet The brass, which is the one that stands at the front and issues orders, is the strongest and smartest of the six.
Pokémon Violet The leader, known as the brass, uses its extendible horn to issue orders to the others when it's time to change formation.

Game Locations[]

Title Location(s)
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword
Route 8 (Wandering), Lake of Outrage *,
Max Raid Battle:Dusty Bowl, North Lake Miloch, Rolling Fields, Stony Wilderness
Pokémon Shield
Route 8 (Wandering), Lake of Outrage *,
Max Raid Battle:Dusty Bowl, North Lake Miloch, Rolling Fields, Stony Wilderness
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
West Province: Area One, Area Two
North Province: Area Two
East Province: Area Three (Steel Tera Type)
Pokémon Violet
West Province: Area One, Area Two
North Province: Area Two
East Province: Area Three (Steel Tera Type)

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 65
Attack 100
Defense 100
Sp. Attack 70
Sp. Defense 60
Speed 75
Total 470


Main article: Falinks/moveset


Sword Shield

Image Needed

Scarlet Violet

Image Needed
