Ewan is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. He is Saleh's student, the younger brother of Tethys, and part of Gerik's troop. Born in Jehanna, Ewan is a sage-in-training with much potential, according to Saleh. He is the third and final Trainee unit, more exactly a Pupil.
He is quick-witted, excitable, and enjoys playing practical jokes on Saleh. Ewan also appears to enjoy brain teasers and riddles, as shown in his support conversations with Ross. He is troublesome and keeps causing accidents which Saleh does not like; at one time he "accidentally" threw Saleh's magic tome to the river. Also, in a support conversation with Tethys, Tethys gets him to admit shaving half of a man's mustache off, and putting a frog in another man's boot.