
An evolutionary stone is a type of item with mysterious properties. It radiates energy that causes some Pokémon to evolve. If a Pokémon's next stage requires the use of a stone, then it can be applied at any time, thus causing instant evolution.

However, once exposed to an evolutionary stone, most Pokémon can no longer learn any more moves by leveling up. There are exceptions to this rule, however, and certain moves are exclusive to the stone-evolved Pokémon. Evolutionary stones can be found in many places, and are uncommonly found in the Underground of Sinnoh. The Celadon Department Store sells several kinds during Generation I and Generation III. In Generation VII, they can be found by exploring on Poké Pelago. In Generation VIII, some can be found on the ground in the Wild Area while most can be retrieved by using the Digging Duo on Bridge Field

There are ten types of evolutionary stones.

List of Stones[]

PGL Fire Stone Fire Stone[]

A Fire Stone is an orange gemstone with a flame pattern visible in its core. They give off heat and always feel slightly warm to the touch. The radiation given off by Fire Stones can evolve certain Pokémon if exposed to it. Often by awakening or intensifying the fire within their bodies, such as with Growlithe, Eevee or Capsakid.

Fire Stones can be bought at the Celadon Dept. Store for 2100 Pokedollars, or are given in exchange for a Red Shard. They can also be found on the ground in certain locations in the wild and underground in Sinnoh. In Hoenn they can be found in the Fiery Path inside Mt. Chimney and in Kanto's Sevii Islands they can be found on Mt. Ember, suggesting that they form in or near active volcanoes.


PGL Water Stone Water Stone[]

Water Stones are blue gemstones with large bubbles visible within. Water from the air condenses on the gem's surface and as a result, it always feels slightly damp to the touch. The radiation given off by Water Stones can evolve certain Pokémon if exposed to it.

Water Stones can be bought at the Celadon Dept. Store for 2100 Pokedollars, or are given in exchange for a Blue Shard. They can also be found on the ground in certain locations in the wild and underground in Sinnoh.


PGL Thunderstone Thunder Stone[]

Thunder Stones are green gemstones with a yellow thunderbolt visible in their core. They generate a small electric charge and just touching one will cause your arm to tingle afterwards. The radiation given off by Thunder Stones can evolve certain Pokémon if exposed to it.

Thunderstones can be bought at the Celadon Dept. Store for 2100 Pokedollars, or are given in exchange for a Yellow Shard. They can also be found on the ground in certain locations in the wild and underground in Sinnoh.


PGL Leaf Stone Leaf Stone[]

Leaf Stones are fossilized leaves with green chlorophyll still visible within. Plants that are near a Leaf Stone grow larger and more vigorously. The verdant energy given off by Leaf Stones can evolve certain Pokémon if exposed to it.

Leaf Stones can be bought at the Celadon Dept. Store for 2100 Pokedollars, or are given in exchange for a Green Shard. They can also be found on the ground in certain locations in the wild and underground in Sinnoh.


PGL Moon Stone Moon Stone[]

This is one of five stones which can never be bought at stores. It can be found in a few locations in the wild and underground in Sinnoh. There is also a very small chance of stealing one off of a wild Lunatone or Clefairy with Thief.


Moon Shard[]

In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, there is an item that may be related to the Moon Stone called the Moon Shard. It is used only for Eevee.

PGL Sun Stone Sun Stone[]

This stone was first introduced in Generation II.

This is one of five stones which can never be bought at stores. In Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, it is the first prize at the National Park's Bug-Catching Contest. In Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, a man in Mossdeep City will give one away. There is also a very small chance of stealing one off of a wild Solrock with Thief. In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, one can be found in the Ruin Valley on Fortune Island. It, like the other stones released prior to Generation IV, is often found underground in Sinnoh.


Sun Shard[]

In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, there is an item that may be related to the Sun Stone called the Sun Shard. It is used only for Eevee.

PGL Shiny Stone Shiny Stone[]

This stone was first introduced in Generation IV. One can be found on Iron Island, and another on Route 228. They are also readily available with the Pickup ability, or can be Mystery Gifted from Pokétopia for 7200 Poké Coupons.


PGL Dusk Stone Dusk Stone[]

This stone was first introduced in Generation IV. One can be found in the Galactic Veilstone building, and another in an area of Victory Road that can only be accessed after the defeat of the Elite Four. They are also readily available with the Pickup ability, or can be Mystery Gifted from Pokétopia for 7200 Poké Coupons.


PGL Dawn Stone Dawn Stone[]

This stone was first introduced in Generation IV. One can be found in Mt. Coronet and another can be found on Route 225. They are also readily available with the Pickup ability, or can be Mystery Gifted from Pokétopia for 7200 Poké Coupons.


PGL Ice Stone Ice Stone[]

This stone was first introduced in Generation VII. Ice Stones are translucent light blue gemstones with a large snowflake visible in their core. They absorb all heat from the air around them and as a result, always feel cold to the touch. The radiation given off by Ice Stones can evolve certain Pokémon if exposed to it.

One can be found in Po Town. Any others have to be gathered from Poké Pelago.


Oval Stone Sprite Oval Stone[]

This stone was first introduced in Generation IV.

An Oval Stone can be found in the Lost Tower. More can be found underground and there is a small (5%) chance it can be held by a wild Chansey. Unlike other stones, it is not used on the Pokémon to evolve it, but instead held by it. It can be used like an normal evolution stone, but it has no effect on any Pokémon.


Everstone Sprite Everstone[]

This stone was first introduced in Generation II.

An Everstone is unlike any of the other stones, as when a Pokémon holds it, they will not evolve for whatever reason. Furthermore, a Ditto or a female Pokémon that holds an Everstone has a 50% chance of passing its nature to its offspring when at the Pokémon daycare. Pokémon with a regional form outside of the region can pass down their form if they hold one while breeding.
