Eterna City is an older city in Sinnoh with several elements of history. One of the city's landmarks is a large statue towards the east side of town. Depending on the version, this statue features a different legendary Pokémon. This City is also home to the Eterna City Gym with Gardenia as its Gym leader. Team Galactic have also occupied a building here.
The city is bordered by Eterna Forest to the West, Mt. Coronet to the East and Route 206 to the South.
In Diamond and Pearl, the Gym is a simple forest maze but, Gardenia requires the player to defeat all her students. In Platinum, the gym has been redesigned into a flower clock. The player can cross the hands of the clock to navigate the gym with each trainer defeat moving the hands. Gardenia waits at the 12 O'Clock position. Upon victory, Gardenia rewards you with the Forest Badge, giving the ability to use Cut, and TM86, Grass Knot.
In the North side of town, this is one of the two Team Galactic headquarters. The Platinum version has some notable design changes. To access the building, the player will need Cut The player has to face Commander Jupiter and her henchmen. Defeating her will free the captured Pokémon. If the player has the Secret Key, they can access Rotom's Room and change Rotom's form.
Underground Man's House[]
Cycle Shop[]
To the southeast of the Pokémon Center lies Rad Rickshaw's Cycle Shop. The bicycle here isn't bought, but instead, is a reward for freeing the shop owner.
Ancient Statue[]
Eterna Condominiums[]
On the east side of town is the Eterna Condominiums. It is the home to Sinnoh's Name Rater. The player can find someone who will give out for Recycle here as well as trade a Buizel with Norton for a Chatot.
Given by Professor Oak after obtaining the National Pokédex
The player can also pickup a Pokétch app, Friendship Checker, from a woman in the Pokémon Center.
Poké Mart[]
The Poké Mart has two cashiers. While the one on the right offers the same goods as any other Poké Mart depending of the player's badge progress, the one on the left has special items for the store
East of the Team Galactic Building is a herb shop. Keep in mind that herbs while cheap and useful, lower a Pokémon's happiness
Heal Powder
Energy Root
Revivial Herb
Special Pokémon[]
The player can trade Buizel for a Chatot. It will be holding a Leppa Berry.
In Pokémon Platinum, the player can pickup a Togepi as an egg from Cynthia after clearing the Team Galactic Eterna Building.
In the Pokémon Center in Pokémon Platinum, there is a trainer the player can challenge on certain days of the week. Depending on game progress, they will have stronger Pokémon