“Twelve people? Goodness, no. This is simply my lunch—nothing more. I expend a great deal of energy in the course of my training, you see. Afterward, I must refuel. All in the name of protecting Lady Elise, of course!”
Armor Expertise: [Always] While this unit is being attacked, its attack increases by 20 unless the attacker is a unit. Readiness: [Always] If you have fewer orbs than your opponent, this unit’s attack increases by 10 while defending unless the attacker is a unit.
Elise’s Retainer: [Always] If you control “Elise,” this unit gains 30 attack while defending unless the attacker is a File:It TCGCipher Tome.png unit. Defender’s Emblem: [Support] Until the end of this battle, your defending unit’s power is increased by 20.
Card #B02-077N • Artist: Akihiro Mibuta
Knight of Might, Effie
Attack: 60
Support: 10
Range: 1
Deploy Cost: 3
Class:Great Knight
Class Change Cost: 2
Strongarm Whirlwind: [Trigger] When you Level Up with this card, destroy all cost 2 or lower cards your opponent controls other than their main character. Armored Knight: [Always] During your opponent’s turn, this card gains 10 attack and cards you control cannot be moved by the effects of skills.
Armor Expertise: [Always] While this unit is being attacked, its attack increases by 20 unless the attacker is a unit. Defender’s Emblem: [Support] Until the end of this battle, your defending unit’s power is increased by 20.
Card #B06-067N • Artist: Akihiro Mibuta
Some card information translation provided by Serenes Forest. For more detailed strategic information on these cards, see their TCG wiki article on Effie .
Without the need for as much brute strength after the war, Effie reluctantly turned her attention to teaching. Traveling far and wide, she helped promote fitness throughout Nohr.
Avatar was hailed as a hero, working alongside his spouse to spread peace worldwide. Effie retired after getting married, but she and Elise remained best friends for the rest of their lives.
Effie and Avatar (Revelation)
The two spent the rest of their lives together, Avatar ruling as the wise king of Valla. Effie retired after getting married, but she and Elise remained best friends for the rest of their lives.
Arthur returned to his true calling, justice. Scholars believe his luck improved slightly after the war. Effie retired after getting married, but she and Elise remained best friends for the rest of their lives.
Azama decided to use his talents to inspire and heal the people of Hoshido—rather than taunt them. Effie retired after getting married, but she and Elise remained best friends for the rest of their lives.
Benny was assigned to train new soldiers but soon retired to live in the forest with his animal friends. Effie retired after getting married, but she and Elise remained best friends for the rest of their lives.
After the war, Hayato traveled the world before replacing Fuga as chief of the Wind Tribe. Effie retired after getting married, but she and Elise remained best friends for the rest of their lives.
Jakob served as a butler for the rest of his life, but his true love was reserved for his wife alone. Effie retired after getting married, but she and Elise remained best friends for the rest of their lives.
While no official records of Kaze survive, he appears in many rumors and tales of heroic exploits. Effie retired after getting married, but she and Elise remained best friends for the rest of their lives.
Keaton returned to his homeland. He frequently visited old friends and got lost on the way home. Effie retired after getting married, but she and Elise remained best friends for the rest of their lives.
Laslow vanished after the war, but he inspired generations of dancers and rallied the spirits of many. After helping with Nohr's recovery, Effie retired and spent her days relaxing happily with her husband.
Leo sacrificed much for Nohr, leading the effort to spread King Xander's radical new policies. Effie retired after getting married, but she and Elise remained best friends for the rest of their lives.
Niles continued to take care of Lord Leo's dirty work while helping reform Nohr's criminal population. Effie retired after getting married, but she and Elise remained best friends for the rest of their lives.
There are no official records of Odin from after the war, but much was written about (and by) him. After helping with Nohr's recovery, Effie retired and spent her days relaxing happily with her husband.
Silas served loyally as a knight of Nohr. He was beloved by trainee knights for his great patience. Effie retired after getting married, but she and Elise remained best friends for the rest of their lives.
As King of Nohr, Xander laid the foundation for a new era of peace and prosperity for the kingdom. Effie retired after getting married, but she and Elise remained best friends for the rest of their lives.
"Effie" is a feminine given name and a short form of Euphemia meaning "well-spoken".
It is also a short form of Elfrida, a name of Latin and Old English origin meaning "elf or magical counsel and is an anglicised form of the Scottish name Oighrig, meaning "new speckled one".
Effie shares her English voice actress, Marisha Ray, with Oboro and Mikoto.
She also shares her Japanese voice actress, Yuuki Kuwahara, with Ophelia.