Dreadnought Galaxy is a galaxy found in Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii. It is found in the Garden, with its main feature being a large battlestation of the same name. You will be able to unlock it once Mario has gotten his hands on at least 48 Stars.
Infiltrating the Dreadnought -- Similar to Breaking Into The Battlerock from the Battlerock Galaxy, Mario must sneak into the titular battlestation and then escape.
Dreadnought's Colossal Cannons -- This missions Power Star has been located near the artillery wall, and Mario must find it while dodging cannonballs.
Revenge of the Topman Tribe -- Topmaniac has made his return! Mario must find the saucer and take the Topman leader down!
Secret Stars[]
Dreadnought's Garbage Dump -- In the Revenge of the Topman Tribe mission, check the flat side of the saucer where Mario originally landed for a Warp Pipe. This leads to an ammunition depost, where Mario must destroy trash with some bombs.
Speedy Comet: Topman Tribe Speed Run -- Same as Revenge of the Topman Tribe, but the player has six minutes.
Purple Comet: Battlestation's Purple Coins -- Mario must find 99 Purple Coins scattered throughout the artillery wall area. The 100th purple coin can be found somewhere along the trail of the Launch Star used to escape.
Planets and Areas[]
Starting Planet (Beam Planet) -- This planet gets visited twice. The first time, it spins, and Mario lands at the centre of its flat surface, and a mirrored twin fires beams at it. The two planets form a time glass shape. During the third mission, the planet is flatter and the mirrored planet is missing (having been replaced with a Launch Star to the blue sphere planet farther away), and a Spring Topman can be found here.
The Dreadnought -- The titular location. This gargantuan battlestation has cannons, electrical rails, and damaging spikes.
Dreadnought Entrance -- This area is visited during the first mission when Mario lands. To make his way into the dreadnought's interior, he needs to beat up three Goombeetles. This will cause a key to be released, granting access to the interior. In the Purple Comet, Mario lands here after his trek through the Cannon Path, where a Gearmo judges him based on how many Purple Coins were collected. (Minimum 1.)
Dreadnought Interior -- This area is similar to the Battlerock's Gravity Corridor, and is exclusive to the first mission. The area contains arrows that can be flipped to change the gravity. There are spikes in here and some walls move, causing a crush.
Dreadnought Tower -- This area is accessed when Mario leaves the interior of the Dreadnought. The area is visited only during the first mission. The Starting Planet, the mirrored planet, and their laser beams can be seen here.
Dreadnought Cannon Path -- Mario visits this section in the second mission. Mario has to make his way past by using some floating platforms that move a long a set path. The area is similar to the Battlerock Galaxy's Cannon Wall area. In the Purple Comet mission, Mario collects 99 Purple Coins that have been scattered throughout this area, and the end contains a Launch Star whose trail has the 100th Purple Coin.
Dreadnought Artillery Walls -- This area has two artillery walls that face inwards. Mario has to use Pull Stars to make his way through the area, avoiding the cannonballs and mines. The area is exclusive to the third mission and the associated Speedy Comet.
Dreadnought's Severed Runway -- A runway that has been severed from the battlestation. Mario needs to make his way through this area from end pointing away from the Dreadnought to the end pointing towards it. There are spiked ring launchers here, Rocky Wrenches, and a Koopa Troopa whose shell can be used to break the locks on some Treasure Chests, allowing them to be opened.
Flooded Planet & Metal Square Moon -- This planet is a metal ball that has a metallic square satellite orbiting it. Mario needs to flood the planet to make his way to the higher towers. Both bodies have several Eye Beamers that fire lasers downward and are exclusive to the first mission. A fire-breathing turtle robot can be found haunting one of the higher-up platforms.
Chibi Wanwan Path -- This planet has several Chibi Wanwans that can be found here. The Wanwans will stop spawning when Mario flips the Flipswitch Panels on their planet. There is a platform with a Bob-omb beneath. If Mario falls off, he will get devoured by a Black Hole.
Sphere Planet and Metal Square Moon -- This small metal ball has a small metal square orbiting it. Mario has to knock a few Topmans into the cage to free the Luma trapped here to get to that small metal square (The Luma turns into a Sling Star.). On that small metal square, Mario has to find five blue Star Chips that generate a Pull Star Path, leading to a Launch Star that leads to the Artillery Walls area. These two bodies are exclusive to the third mission and the associated Speedy Comet.
Football Planet -- Mario uses this to start his trek through the Dreadnought Artillery Walls area.
Topmaniac's Saucer -- Topmaniac makes his lair here. This saucer has red electrical wires. Topmans can be found here, and Mario and the Topman leader will have a deul at the top of the area.
This is the only Galaxy whose Purple Comet mission cannot end with a single Purple Coin.