
Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes is the sixth entry of the Dragon Slayer series and the first of the The Legend of Heroes series. Originally released for the personal computers between 1989 and 1990 in Japan the game was later ported to other gaming systems such as the Super Famicom, the PC-Engine CD and the Sega Mega Drive in 1990 in Japan. Both the PC-Engine CD and Sega Mega Drive version were later re-released for the Wii Virtual Console.




The PC Engine version was rated 25.24 out of 30 by PC Engine Fan magazine. Famitsu scored the PC Engine CD-ROM version 29 out of 40 in 1991. They later scored the Super Famicom version 29 out of 40 in 1992, and the Sega Mega Drive version 23 out of 40 in 1994.

In its January 1993 issue, Electronic Games magazine's Electronic Gaming Awards nominated the TurboGrafx-CD version for the 1992 Multimedia Game of the Year award. They stated it "demonstrates how far multimedia has come" since the same design team's Ys I & II and that this "mammoth quest is meticulously detailed and incorporates highly involved game play".

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