
Dragapult is a Dragon/Ghost type Pseudo-legendary Pokémon introduced in the Eighth generation games, Pokémon Sword and Shield. It evolves from Drakloak at level 60. It is the final form of Dreepy.

Physiology and Behavior[]

Dragapult is a draconic Pokémon. Dragapult's appearance is reminiscent of both ancient lepospondyls such as Diplocaulus and modern stealth bombers. It has a triangular, wing-shaped head; a relatively short body; and a long, laterally flattened tail similar to a newt's.

The dorsal side of Dragapult's flattened head and the anterior half of its body are a dark navy color, which fades to a teal on its posterior end and tail. The lateral, wing-like crests of its head are pink. The ventral portion of its head and body are a light yellow-tan color, and its belly is marked with three pink chevrons angled toward its head. It has four hollow, triangular horns and narrow yellow eyes. Its limbs are relatively short and thin, and are clawed. The claws on its forelimbs are pink. Dragapult's tail becomes transparent and ethereal toward its tip.

Dragapult and its evolutionary family are the ghosts of prehistoric aquatic Pokémon. Dragapult carries a pair of Dreepy inside its horns, which it will fire at its opponents like supersonic missiles during battle. It's said that the Dreepy it carries greatly enjoy being sent flying toward opponents at immense speeds. Much of Dragapult's behavior beyond this, however, remains a mystery.


Main Pokémon games []

Pokémon spin-offs []

In the anime []

In the manga[]


Dragapult may be based on the Diplocaulus, Gerrothorax, or other extinct amphibians with a similarly-shaped skull. A complete tail has never been found in a Diplocaulus fossil, which may explain Dragapult's ghostly, translucent tail. Its head also resembles a B-2 Spirit, a stealth bomber aircraft. Its propensity for holding and firing Dreepy may be a reference to crossbows, while its stomach pattern and aircraft origins are likely nods to aircraft catapults, which is seemingly reflected in its name.

It may also be a reference to the paternal care behavior present in many amphibian species. The Dragon typing may be a reference to the Olm, a type of salamander native to central and southeastern Europe that was believed to be a dragon offspring by locals. However, its posture and body stature are closer to crocodilians supporting themselves with their hind legs and tails while underwater, and are also known to hold their young on their heads.

In-game Information[]

Pokédex Entry[]

Title Entry
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword When it isn't battling, it keeps Dreepy in the holes on its horns. Once a fight starts, it launches the Dreepy like supersonic missiles.
Pokémon Shield Apparently the Dreepy inside Dragapult's horns eagerly look forward to being launched out at Mach speeds.
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet Dragapult can make its whole body transparent by clearing its mind and focusing. Even the Dreepy in Dragapult’s horns become invisible.
Pokémon Violet The fastest Dragapult of the group is always surrounded by Dreepy that want to fly at sonic speed.

Game Locations[]

Title Location(s)
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword
Evolve Drakloak
Axew's Eye, Rolling Fields (Max Raid Battle)
Old Cemetery, Three-Point Pass (Wanderer)
Pokémon Shield
Evolve Drakloak
Axew's Eye, Rolling Fields (Max Raid Battle)
Old Cemetery, Three-Point Pass (Wanderer)
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
Tera Raid Battle Search
Pokémon Violet
Tera Raid Battles (5★, 6★)


Level 50
Level 60

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 88
Attack 120
Defense 75
Sp. Attack 100
Sp. Defense 75
Speed 142
Total 600


Main article: Dragapult/moveset


Sword Shield

Image Needed

Scarlet Violet

Image Needed


  • In the Pokémon of the Year poll held by The Pokémon Company in 2020, Dragapult was voted the most popular Eighth Pokémon generation Pokémon, receiving 57,973 votes. It was also the eleventh-most popular Pokémon overall.
  • According to Bandai’s Pokémon Scale World series of figures, the height of Dragapult is actually its length measured from the muzzle until the tip of the tail.
  • Dragapult is the only pseudo-legendary Pokémon that cannot learn Earthquake.
  • Dragapult is the tallest and lightest pseudo-legendary Pokémon.
  • If Dragapult Dynamaxes, it will temporarily disappear before reaching its largest size.
  • Dragapult has the lowest base Special Defense of all pseudo-legendary Pokémon.
  • Dragapult has the highest base Speed of all pseudo-legendary Pokémon.