Digimon Battle Spirit is a game in the Digimon series for GBA, it came out in 2003. The game is a battle game that is a lot like Digimon Rubble Arena and it's sequel Digimon Rumble Arena 2. This game spun off a sequel, Digimon Battle Spirit 2 for GBA as well.
The objective is to hit the other digimon and collect the orbs that come our of them. Whoever has the most orbs wins.
Controls []
The controls are very simple, A is to jump, while b is to attack. If the player presses up on the d-pad and B at the same time most Digimon will use a projectile. You can also press b in the air to do an air attack. Also double tap the d-pad left or right to run, the player can also press B while during a dash to do a dash attack. To grab, face the oponent Digimon ans hit b and the direction your facing. shield is down on the d-pad but be carefull, grabs break through shields. Also L and R are to taunt. Pick up items by pressing down on the d-pad and B while close to an item.