
Detective Pikachu is a special kind of Pikachu featured in the Detective Pikachu game and its sequel, Detective Pikachu Returns. He is not able to use any move unlike other Pikachu but seems to possess a rather high intelligence to the point where he claim to be a renowed detective.

He is also a main character in the Detective Pikachu movie.


One day, Detective Pikachu encounters a boy named Tim Goodman and after a short talk, the two must chase two Aipom who were causing trouble by harassing citizens. After retrieving a woman's necklace that was stolen by a Burmy who was itself chased by the two Aipom.

After that, Detective Pikachu takes Tim to his house before being wrapped up in a new case after they discover a Glalie attacking two people, they manage to knock the Pokémon unconscious and discovers that the two people are reporters. After encountering a frozen Drifloon and eventually a Drifblim, after solving the case, the two escape from the cave with the help of the Drifblim.

