Clock Town is a location in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. It is both the capital and largest city in the country of Termina, ruled over by Mayor Dotour. It's most notable landmark is it's large Clock Tower at the center of the city that contains a portal to the land of Hyrule. Once a year, an event called the Carnival of Time is held in Clock Town to celebrate the gods and bring a good harvest for the following year. The event normally attracts people of all races from across Termina and the surrounding lands, but during the events of Majora's Mask, the town is mostly empty due to the ominous moon that looms overhead and gets closer with each passing day.
There are four main gates that point towards various locations of Termina. The South Gate leads to Romani Ranch and Woodfall, the North Gate aims toward Snowhead and the Goron Village, the West Gate heads towards Great Bay and Zora Hall, and the East Gate goes to the haunted Ikana Canyon, along with the imposing Stone Tower.
Great Bay Coast • Fisherman's Hut • Oceanside Spider House • Marine Research Lab • Fisherman's Island • Ocean Fishing Hole • Pirates' Cove • Pirates' Fortress • Pinnacle Rock • Zora Game Site • Zora Hall • Zora Shop • Zora Cape • Waterfall Rapids
Ikana Canyon • Ikana Graveyard • Beneath the Graveyard • Sakon's Hideout • Music Box House • Spirit House • Secret Shrine • Spring Water Cave • Beneath the Well • Ancient Castle of Ikana • Stone Tower