Cherubi is a small, cherry-like Pokémon with a round, deep-pink body with two stubby feet. The body becomes redder when bathed in sunlight, which signals that it has stockpiled a lot of nutrients. It has beady eyes and a purple-red stripe running down part of its face. Cherubi has a short stem with two big, green leaves and a second, much smaller head growing out of it. This second head is vestigial in terms of function, but it contains nutrients that contribute to Cherubi's growth as its initial source of food. The second head is apparently edible and has a sweet taste, and several Pokémon such as Starly have been seen trying to pluck it off. When the second head begins to bloom and wilt, it means Cherubi is close to evolving. The second head detaches after Cherubi evolves, which become food for other creatures. Cherubi is attracted to honey.
Once the fruit growing alongside the main body is large and plump, Cherubi will use the nutrients within to evolve. The fruit then detaches, becoming nourishment for other creatures.
Cherubi can be spawned in all existing tree-based mechanics that can spawn Pokémon (Honey Trees, Headbutt trees, Berry trees, as well as shaking trees in Pokémon Legends: Arceus) in games where Cherubi is available.