
Chasing the Moon is an animated short film based on the Mid-Autumn Festival. It was announced on Weibo on September 11, 2024. It was released on Bilibili, Douyin, Weibo, and Xiaohongshu in mainland China on September 14, 2024, and on the official Japanese Pokémon Twitter account and YouTube channel and on the English Pokémon Kids TV YouTube channel on September 17, 2024.


The moon shines big and bright in the night sky. As Pikachu and the other Pokémon chase its glow, where could they be heading? Let’s find out.


  • The short's Chinese title is a reference to the phrase 但愿人长久 dànyuàn rén chángjiǔ (may we all be blessed with longevity) from the poem Shuidiao Getou by Su Shi, which is associated with the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is also a pun on the Chinese name of Pokémon (宝可).
  • The Japanese and Pokémon Kids TV uploads of this short do not contain ending credits, and instead end by fading to a black screen with a copyright notice.
  • The descriptions of the Simplified Chinese and Japanese uploads of this short mention that the short is based on the Mid-Autumn Festival. The description of the Pokémon Kids TV upload does not mention this.

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