
Skill Icons for Kidnap and Capture.
Capture and Kidnap are skills introduced in Fire Emblem Fates. It is the personal skill of Orochi and Niles respectively. The skill allows the player to take select units during the story. This skill functions similarly to a mechanic from Fire Emblem: Thracia 776.
Fire Emblem Fates[]
If the player has a Jail in their My Castle, Orochi or Niles is given the option to capture generic enemy units and select enemy bosses when they are defeated by her while using the "Capture" command. Orochi will not be able to use battle skills and her Hit Rate will be lowered by 10% in battles that were initiated with the Capture command.
The following bosses are able to be captured. Some are exclusive to certain routes.
Fire Emblem Character Skills: | |
Introduced in Genealogy of the Holy War | Pavise | Dance | Critical | Wrath | Pursuit | Continue | Charisma | Steal | Nihil | Prayer | Ambush | Charge | Astra | Luna | Sol | Life | Elite | Bargain |
Introduced in The Sacred Stones | Lethality | Pick | Magic Seal | Sure Strike | Slayer | Summon |
Introduced in Path of Radiance | Aether | Blossom | Boon | Celerity | Colossus | Corrosion | Counter | Daunt | Discipline | Flare | Fortune | Gamble | Guard | Insight | Lumina | Mantle | Parity | Provoke | Reinforce | Resolve | Roar | Savior | Serenity | Shade | Shove | Smite | Stun | Tempest | Vigilance | Vortex |
Introduced in Radiant Dawn | Aurora | Bane | Beastfoe | Birdfoe | Blood Tide | Corona | Critical + | Deadeye | Disarm | Dragonfoe | Eclipse | Flourish | Formshift | Galdrar | Glare | Howl | Imbue | Impale | Ire | Maelstrom | Mercy | Night Tide | Nullify | Pass | Quickclaw | Rend | Sacrifice | Savage | Shriek | Stillness | Tear | White Pool | Wildheart |
Introduced in Awakening | Acrobat | Aegis | Aegis+ | Aggressor | All Stats +2 | Anathema | Aptitude | Armsthrift | Axebreaker | Axefaire | Beastbane | Bond | Bowbreaker | Bowfaire | Conquest | Defender | Deliverer | Demoiselle | Despoil | Dragonskin | Dual Guard+ | Dual Strike+ | Dual Support+ | Even Rhythm | Focus | Galeforce | Hawkeye | Healtouch | Hex | Hit Rate +10 | Hit Rate +20 | HP +5 | Ignis | Indoor Fighter | Iote's Shield | Lancebreaker | Lancefaire | Lifetaker | Limit Breaker | Lucky Seven | Luna+ | Odd Rhythm | Outdoor Fighter | Patience | Pavise+ | Prescience | Quick Burn | Rally Defense | Rally Heart | Rally Luck | Rally Magic | Rally Movement | Rally Resistance | Rally Skill | Rally Spectrum | Rally Speed | Rally Strength | Relief | Rightful God | Rightful King | Shadowgift | Slow Burn | Solidarity | Special Dance | Swordbreaker | Swordfaire | Tantivy | Tomebreaker | Tomefaire | Underdog | Vantage+ | Vengeance | Veteran | Wyrmsbane | Zeal |
Introduced in Fates | Aching Blood | Bibliophile | Bloodthirst | Born Steward | Bushido | Calm | Capture | Chivalry | Collector | Competitive | Countercurse | Daydream | Devoted Partner | Divine Retribution | Draconic Heir | Evasive Partner | Fancy Footwork | Fearsome Blow | Fierce Counter | Fierce Mien | Fierce Rival | Fiery Blood | Forager | Forceful Partner | Fortunate Son | Gallant | Goody Basket | Guarded Bravery | Haiku | Healing Descant | Highwayman | In Extremis | Icy Blood | Kidnap | Lily's Poise | Lucky Charm | Make a Killing | Miraculous Save | Mischievous | Misfortunate | Morbid Celebration | Noble Cause | Nohr Enmity | Optimist | Optimistic | Opportunist | Peacebringer | Perfect Pitch | Perfectionist | Perspicacious | Playthings | Pride | Pyrotechnics | Pragmatic | Prodigy | Puissance | Quiet Strength | Rallying Cry | Reciprocity | Rose's Thorns | Sisterhood | Shuriken Mastery | Supportive | Sweet Tooth | Triple Threat | Unmask | Vendetta | Vow of Friendship | Wind Disciple | Air Superiority | Amaterasu | Armored Blow | Awakening | Better Odds | Camaraderie | Certain Blow | Clarity | Countermagic | Dancing Blade | Darting Blow | Death Blow | Draconic Hex | Dragon Fang | Dragon Ward | Dual Striker | Dual Guardsman | Duelist's Blow | Elbow Room | Even Better | Even Keel | Evenhanded | Foreign Princess | Future Sight | Gentilhomme | Golembane | Good Fortune | Grisly Wound | Heartseeker | Heavy Blade | Hoshidan Unity | Household Cure | Inspiration | Inspiring Song | Iron Will | Life and Death | Live to Serve | Lunge | Malefic Aura | Natural Cover | Nobility | Nohrian Trust | Odd Shaped | Opportunity Shot | Poison Strike | Potent Potion | Profiteer | Quick Draw | Quixotic | Rend Heaven | Replicate | Rifled Barrel | Savage Blow | Salvage Blow | Seal Defense | Seal Magic | Seal Resistance | Seal Speed | Seal Strength | Shelter | Shurikenbreaker | Shurikenfaire | Speedtaker | Spendthrift | Strengthtaker | Strong Riposte | Swap | Surefooted | Survey | Tactical Advice | Trample | Toxic Brew | Veteran Intuition | Voice of Peace | Warding Blow | Wary Fighter | Witch's Brew |
Introduced in Shadows of Valentia | Absolve | Anti-Armor | Anti-Cavalry | Anti-Fliers | Anti-Terrors | Apotrope | Archballista | Armorcrush | Armored | Banish | Bowrange +1 | Bowrange +2 | Bowrange +3 | Celestial Bow | Coral Cover | Crosswise Cut | Curved Shot | Dark Spikes | Death Blow | Defensive | Deicide | Destreza | Divide | Double Lion | Dragon (skill) | Dragonhaze | Duelist Sword | Duma’s Gift | Earth's Boon | Earth’s Kiss | Eerie Screech | Encloser | Evade Critical | Flamberge | Flier | Foudroyant | God (skill) | Great Terror | Grounder | Halve Axes | Halve Lances | Halve Swords | Heavy Armor | Heavy Draw | Hexblade | Hunter Volley | Incarnation | Influence | Knightkneeler | Lionine Poise | Longearche | Lunar Flash | Magic +5 | Mistdancer | Mounted | Null Defense | Nullify Ailments | Overrun | Pact | Penetrate | Phalanx | Phantasm | Ragnarok Ω | Reconstruct | Recovery | Res +5 | Sanctuary | Scendscale | Shadow Gambit | Solar Thrust | Soothing Light | Sophisticate | Speculum | Subdue | Sunder | Teleportation | Tempest Lance | Terror | Thunderclap (Fire Emblem) | Tigerstance | Trance Shot | Transmute | Tri-affliction | Triangle Attack | Upheaval | Vengeful Cry | Ward Arrow | Wildfire | Wrath Strike |