
C. Viper is a character from the Street Fighter series, first appearing in Street Fighter IV. She is an undercover CIA agent who fights using an assortment of gadgets hidden within her battle suit.


C. Viper's working personality is superior and condescending, as seen in her interactions with Chun-LiCammy, and Hakan. However, she is also genuinely interested in the inner workings and problems of the other fighters, as shown in her various win-quotes, but when it comes to her missions, C. Viper will not let anyone stop her from completing her goals.

As mentioned in her win quotes, her current personality is a far cry from her younger years. It is implied that she was something of a wildcat and a thrill seeking delinquent as a teenager, before the events that got her to be a responsible and focused adult.

When C. Viper is not doing missions, she is shown to be a loving mother for her daughter Lauren, as shown in her Super Street Fighter IV ending.
