
Buneary(JP) is a Normal type Pokémon introduced in the fourth generation. It evolves into Lopunny via Happiness.

Physology and Behaviour[]

Buneary is a small, bipedal, rabbit-like Pokémon with brown ears that can curl up. It has two types of fur covering its body: a light tan fleece that covers much of its lower body, feet, and the tips of its ears; and a smooth, chocolate colored pelt on the upper half of its body. It has a small, triangular pink nose; pink paw pads on the undersides of its feet; and small tan spots above its eyes. It has a small brown puff of a tail.

Buneary almost always keeps one of its ears rolled up. Although Professor Laventon had hypothesized that this is done to protect its hearing, in actuality, Buneary rolls its ears so it can quickly unroll them and launch them as an attack. The attack is strong enough to hurt grown-ups and crush boulders and increases in power as Buneary trains to use it. Buneary can also use this technique to jump really high, by slamming its ears towards the ground. Buneary's arms and legs are weaker by comparison. If Buneary senses danger, it perks up both ears; conversely, if Buneary rolls both of its ears in, it is a sign that it is unhealthy. On cold nights, Buneary sleeps with its head tucked into its fur. It lives in forests, though it can also be found on icy mountains.


Main Pokémon games[]

Pokémon Spinoffs[]

Pokémon anime[]

Buneary first appeared in the Pokémon anime in the episode titled Following A Maiden's Voyage!. The character Dawn would eventually catch a Buneary in Setting the World on Its Buneary!. This Buneary falls in love with Pikachu.


Buneary's design comes from a rabbit. Its name is a combination of bunny and ear.

In-game information[]

Pokédex Entries[]

Title Entry
Fourth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Diamond It slams foes by sharply uncoiling its rolled ears. It stings enough to make a grown-up cry in pain.
Pokémon Pearl When it senses danger, it perks up its ears. On cold nights, it sleeps with its head tucked into its fur.
Pokémon Platinum Its ears are always rolled up. They can be forcefully extended to shatter even a large boulder.
Pokémon HeartGold You can tell how it feels by the way it rolls its ears. When it's scared, both ears are rolled up.
Pokémon SoulSilver You can tell how it feels by the way it rolls its ears. When it's scared, both ears are rolled up.
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black Its ears are always rolled up. They can be forcefully extended to shatter even a large boulder.
Pokémon White Its ears are always rolled up. They can be forcefully extended to shatter even a large boulder.
Pokémon Black 2 By extending its rolled-up ears and striking the ground, it can bound so high it surprises itself.
Pokémon White 2 By extending its rolled-up ears and striking the ground, it can bound so high it surprises itself.
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X Its ears are always rolled up. They can be forcefully extended to shatter even a large boulder.
Pokémon Y When it senses danger, it perks up its ears. On cold nights, it sleeps with its head tucked into its fur.
Pokémon Omega Ruby Its ears are always rolled up. They can be forcefully extended to shatter even a large boulder.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire When it senses danger, it perks up its ears. On cold nights, it sleeps with its head tucked into its fur.
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Ultra Sun Its arms and legs are weak, but when it rolls its ears up tight and then unleashes them with its full force, it can smash boulders to dust.
Pokémon Ultra Moon The reason it keeps one ear rolled up is so it can launch a swift counterattack if it's attacked by an enemy.
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword If both of Buneary's ears are rolled up, something is wrong with its body or mind. It's a sure sign the Pokémon is in need of care.
Pokémon Shield Buneary can attack by rolling up their ears and then striking with the force created by unrolling them. This attack becomes stronger with training.
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond It slams foes by sharply uncoiling its rolled ears. It stings enough to make a grown-up cry in pain.
Pokémon Shining Pearl When it senses danger, it perks up its ears. On cold nights, it sleeps with its head tucked into its fur.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus My hypothesis as to why Buneary rolls up its ears is that its hearing is far too keen. I surmise that the Pokémon protects its hearing by limiting the sound that may enter its ears.

Game Location[]

Title Location(s)
Fourth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Diamond
Eterna Forest
Pokémon Pearl
Eterna Forest
Pokémon Platinum
Eterna Forest
Pokémon HeartGold
Route 25 (Swarm)
Pokémon SoulSilver
Route 25 (Swarm)
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black
Pokémon Black 2
Castelia City
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Safari Zone (Hidden Pokémon)
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Safari Zone (Hidden Pokémon)
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Ultra Sun
Route 1, Poni Grove
Pokémon Ultra Moon
Route 1, Poni Grove
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword
Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach
Max Raid Battle: Fields of Honor
Pokémon Shield
Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach
Max Raid Battle: Fields of Honor
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond
Eterna Forest
Grand Underground - Spacious Cave, Grassland Cave, Sunlit Cavern, Riverbank Cave, Still-Water Cavern, Whiteout Cave, Icy Cave, Glacial Cavern
Pokémon Shining Pearl
Eterna Forest
Grand Underground - Spacious Cave, Grassland Cave, Sunlit Cavern, Riverbank Cave, Still-Water Cavern, Whiteout Cave, Icy Cave, Glacial Cavern
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Obsidian Fieldlands, Alabaster Icelands



Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 55
Attack 66
Defense 44
Sp. Attack 44
Sp. Defense 56
Speed 85
Total 350


Main article: Buneary/moveset



Diamond Pearl

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Heart Soul
Image Needed

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Black White

Image Needed

Black 2 White 2
Image Needed

Image Needed



Sword Shield

Image Needed

Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
Image Needed

Image Needed

Legends Arceus

Image Needed


  • Buneary is the only Pokémon to learn the move Frustration by leveling up.
  • Prior to Generation IX, Buneary was the only Pokémon with 0 base friendship that was not Legendary, a Mythical Pokémon, or Ultra Beasts. This is now a trait it shares with Lokix.
  • In Pokémon Shuffle, Buneary's second main stage (stage 615) has the lowest overall drop rates for personalized Skill Boosters.
  • Buneary, Type: Null, and Snom are the only Pokémon that evolve via friendship with a base friendship lower than 70.