Reyn BoneUpper

Icon of Bone Upper in Xenoblade Chronicles.

Reyn Xenoblade Chronicles

Reyn from Xenoblade Chronicles

Bone Upper is one of Reyn's physical Arts in Xenoblade Chronicles. When the enemy is hit by this attack, Reyn's Talent Gauge is filled by 12% – 30%


Learnt Attribute Target Hits Range Aggro
Level 1 Physical One Enemy 1 4 meters N/A


Level AP Cost Power Talent Gauge Refill Cooldown
1 N/A 0.50 12% 8.0 s
2 160 0.66 14% 7.8 s
3 320 0.82 16% 7.5 s
4 640 0.98 18% 7.3 s
5 1,280 1.14 20% 7.0 s
6 1,920 1.30 22% 6.8 s
7 2,880 1.46 24% 6.6 s
8 4,160 1.62 26% 6.3 s
9 5,760 1.78 28% 6.1 s
10 7,680 1.94 30% 5.8 s



The intermediate books are only found in shops for 2400 G


Advanced art books are only available from enemy drops.

Enemy Level Area Drop rates
Plump Sprahda 92 Tephra Cave 8.8 %
Wise Gremory 68 Agniratha 4.1 %
Eternal Palsadia 91 Satorl Marsh 1.6 %
Frost Nebula 80 Satorl Marsh 9.1 %
Lograt Kromar 86 Eryth Sea 8.8 %
Gracile Nebula 76 Prison Island 3.6 %
M108/SPADE 65 Central Factory 3.1 %
Feltl Eks 98 Valak Mountain 2.7 %
Greed Gogol 75 - 77 Bionis' Leg 2.7 %
Brabilam Vang 88 - 92 Tephra Cave 2.1 %
Drakos Telethia 74 Bionis' Interior 1.2 %
M68/MISER 63 Agniratha 0.9 %
M87/GRAND 63 - 66 Agniratha 0.9 %