
Blade Man is a Robot Master who was recruited by Dr. Wily. He was first seen in Mega Man 10 as one of the games Eight Robot Masters.

Blade Man started his life as a tour guide for an ancient castle, whose lord had a fascination with swords, hence Blade Man having them on his head and at the ends of his arms, replacing hands. His Special Weapon, the Triple Blade, has him swing his sword to fire multiple Sword Beam-esque projectiles in a wave-like motion. His weakness is the Commando Bomb. Blade Man bears the serial number DWN-073.


Blade Man lairs in a medieval castle, referencing his basis. On his way through Blade Man's castle, Rock will face a monster called the Tricastle, who blocks his path.


Blade Man jumps around his room to strike from multiple angles, swinging his swords to fire his sword beams. The harder the difficulty, the more blades Blade Man fires. At the hardest difficulty level, he will sometimes jump off the wall to ram or stomp on Rock Man, depending on where Rock is.


  • The way Blade Man wields his swords resembles how the Brandish from Mighty No. 9 wields his own, except Blade Man cannot lt go of his swords due to having them for arms.
  • Blade Man's weakness to the Commando Bomb may reference how swordfighters lost their advantage when we developed gunpowder and firearms.

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