“Bidoof has an unsophisticated face and is rarely flustered by anything. There have been incidents involving Bidoof sauntering into villages and gnawing on the houses without a single care.”
Bidoof is a brown, rodent-like Pokémon with four short legs. It has a short, dark brown snout and a small, red nose. Cream-colored markings cover its underside and surround its face. Round tufts of fur form its tail with five on the male and three on the female. Similar tufts line the bottom of its face and two singular ones form its ears. Bidoof's black paws have three toes with some webbing between them. Protruding from Bidoof's upper jaw are large incisors, which it uses for gnawing on wood and rocks. These teeth grow constantly, so this Pokémon needs to gnaw on hard substances to keep them ground down. The growth rate of Bidoof's teeth is similar to Rattata.
This Pokémon can be found nesting in groups near bodies of water, usually building a nest of dams to live in. It is also known to wander into villages, gnawing on people's houses. Despite its stout body and naive appearance, this Pokémon can be agile and is not easily perturbed.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky: Bidoof stars in his own special episode, being the playable character. When Bidoof left home and first joined Wigglytuff's Guild, he often messed jobs up and wasn't really liked by anyone. One day, whilst visiting the Kecleon Shop, he was approached by a Snover who gave him an old map before hurrying off. A Gligar and Bagon then appeared to be chasing Snover. The map showed a legendary dungeon known as the Star Cave where Jirachi sleeps, and after learning about it from Chatot, Bidoof decided to go there and wish to make himself a stronger explorer. Snover finds Bidoof at the Guild, and together they go to the Star Cave. However, upon reaching the end, Gligar and Bagon appeared, and Snover turned against Bidoof. It turns out that it was a trap, and Snover, Bagon and Gligar are a gang of thieves called Team Rogue. They saw Bidoof's money when he visited the Kecleon shop, so they lured Bidoof to the Wish Cave, hoping to steal his money. Bidoof fights the three, but fails. Before Team Rogue can steal Bidoof's money, the entire Guild shows up to help him. Bidoof is touched that he is an appreciated member of the Guild after all. Wigglytuff helps him blast open a hidden cave where Bidoof can find Jirachi. He finds Jirachi sleeping. It talks in its sleep, warning Bidoof that it attacks in its sleep. Bidoof must defeat it to help it awaken. Bidoof makes his wish and, though given a lot of choices, Bidoof wishes for new juniors to join the Guild so he could help them. The wish is fulfilled when the player and their partner join the Guild, thus ending the story.
Bidoof has an unsophisticated face and is rarely flustered by anything. There have been incidents involving Bidoof sauntering into villages and gnawing on the houses without a single care.
On July 1, 2021, The Pokémon Company created Bidoof Day, with several events related to this Pokémon in various media such as Pokémon GO, cards and on Pokémon TV. To commemorate, they released a music video parodying Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley, entitled Bidoof Day announcement!. Months later, the official Pokémon YouTube account released Bidoof's Big Stand, a short film focused on the story of a Bidoof.