
The Baba Serpent is a type of Baba in The Legend of Zelda series. They are generally found in forests or other boisy areas and are mainly known for their ability to live without a base. Once their stem is sliced, they will start slithering on the ground like a snake. Their only appearance is in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.


They will initially act like regular Deku Babas and remain hidden under the ground until Link get nearr them, they will then try to bite him. The main difference between them and a regular Deku Baba is that they will continue to live once they have been chopped off their base. THey will then hunt Link down by slithering on the ground and try to attach to him with their jaw, causing damage in the process. The only way to escape from their grasp is by performing a Spin Attack. Some Baba Serpents can also be seen hanging from the ceiling. During his fight, Ook will use the Gale Boomerang to sever some Baba Serpents from the ceiling to aid him.
