
Arven is a character in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. He is an upperclassman at the academy who isn't good at Pokémon battles, but is good at cooking.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet[]

Arven is the son of Professor Sada (in Scarlet) or Professor Turo (in Violet). His professor parent was more focused with their research than raising him, and as a result Arven spent most of his time living with his Mabosstiff (originally a Maschiff) in a lighthouse off Poco Path. His parent once instructed him to keep a Koraidon (Scarlet)/Miraidon (Violet) at the lighthouse, but it attacked several wild Pokémon. Attracting too much attention, the professor took it back to the Zero Lab, causing Arven to blame it for him never getting to see his parent.

One day, his classmates Nemona and the protagonist (Florian/Juliana) encountered Koraidon/Miraidon, who helped the protagonist exit a cave. After meeting Arven, he gives the protagonist the legendary Pokémon's Poké Ball and tells them to take care of it.

Arven is a humanities student at the academy and a student of Salvatore. On the day of the Treasure Hunt, he meets the protagonist and encourages them to help him find and defeat the Titan Pokémon to acquire sandwich ingredients. After the second titan, Arven tells the player that the reason he's seeking the ingredients is to cure Mabosstiff, who is sick. In addition, the sandwiches help Koraidon/Miraidon regain some of its original power.

After all three routes are completed, Arven joins the player, Nemona, and Penny into the center of Mesagoza. After encountering his parent, the four of them learn that the professor was killed attempting to stop a fight between the two Koraidon/Miraidon, and the professor that was speaking to them throughout the game was infact an AI replica built by the professor. After battling the AI professor with Koraidon/Miraidon (as all other Poké Balls are locked by the Paradise Protection Protocol) the AI professor uses the time machine to travel to the past/future, as the computer cannot be shut down with the AI professor in the present. Before leaving, the AI professor says goodbye to the player and their friends and tells Arven that their parent truly loved them.
