
The Aparoid Moth is a boss from Star Fox: Assault, fought on planet Fortuna after Oikonny is defeated. It is the second boss in the game, as well as the first Aparoid enemy in general.


Physical Description[]

The Aparoid Moth bears a resemblance to butterflies and moths. He has eight wings at his sides, but no other visible limbs. His tail has a gun that lets him launch a powerful laser, and his wings have their own beam launchers that launch laser rings. He is massive in size, much bigger than an Arwing.


While his personality has yet to be revealed, the Aparoid Moth seems to be very hostile. He is also most likely very loyal to the Aparoid Queen although he did not speak.


Before the Aparoid War[]

Beltino recounts during the briefing for the second stage that a single Aparoid destroyed an entire fleet long before the Aparoid War. It is possible that the Aparoid Moth was this particular Aparoid, as they had similar designs.

Star Fox: Assault[]

Later, after his flagship was damaged, Oikonny taunted team Star Fox, but the Aparoid Moth swooped in and ruined Oikonny's moment by shooting the ship down with his laser. He then engaged Star Fox in battle, but was defeated and his corpse was looted for a Core Memory, which was damaged in the fight. More Aparoid Moths appeared overhead, so Fox and his team booked it after Fox got his hands on the Core Memory.


Phase 1[]

As with the other major bosses, the Aparoid Moth has two phases to his battle. The first phase of the battle has him launch laser rings from his wings, which have to be shot down. After all eight wings are destroyed, the Moth enters his next phase.

Phase 2[]

The second phase of the fight has the Aparoid Moth use his tail laser to send fireballs raining down onto Fox McCloud's head, though Fox can move his ship to dodge the fireballs. The Moth also fires a strafing beam from his tail; said beam must be dodged. He also opens and closes his mouth periodically, and Fox has to shoot down the Moth's throat to deal damage.
