Animal Talking: The Adventures of Gary Whitta is a web television virtual talk show hosted by Gary Whitta on Twitch and YouTube. The show is executive-produced by Leah Whitta, and is livestreamed entirely from a talk-show set built in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Animal Talking premiered on April 25, 2020. It features Adam Nickerson as the bandleader.
The show is filmed in Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Gary's island of Kawaii. The set was put together with in-game furniture created by or gifted to the Whittas by viewers of the show. The in-game camera is utilized to film the show, although its limitations require the host avatar to move for better angles. Guests appear on the show as Animal Crossing avatars, with the wardrobe supervised by fellow Twitch streamer Kate Stark. On the occasion that a guest does not play Animal Crossing, executive producer and Gary's wife, Leah Whitta would customize her own avatar to match the appearance of the guest and puppeteer them live as they speak. The production and guests speak together through Discord.
Additional staff members include Adam Nickerson, who serves as band leader and edits full episodes into ten minute highlight videos that can be accessed on the show's YouTube channel. The logo was designed by Chandana Ekanayake with Leah Whitta. The theme song was composed by Kenny Fong, and also credits Tom Young, Cameron Rose, Chris Petty, Desmond Splitter, Christian Lucy, and K.K. Slider.
Due to the show's viral success, the show has been approached by potential sponsors, cable television networks, and advertisers. However, Whitta has rejected these opportunities, citing disinterest and stating "As soon as it becomes cynical, monetized, or corporatized, I think the whimsy and authenticity of it will disappear."
The show functions similarly to its real-life counterparts. Each episode starts with an opening sequence featuring Whitta's avatar performing various activities around his island, while Snowbike Mike announces that episode's guests. The theme song plays in the background as Mike introduces Gary Whitta as the host, who greets the audience, converses with Nickerson, and delivers any news about the show.
Following the introduction, main segments include celebrity interviews, live musical performances, and stand-up comedy. While interviews have dived into the life of the guests, much of the conversation revolves around gaming and Animal Crossing. At the end of the show, each guest is invited to step up to a mic to deliver a joke, and the best joke among the guests is determined through chat poll votes from the live audience.