Amaura is a quadrupedal, dinosaurian Pokémon that resembles a sauropod. It is light blue with a white underbelly. It has a long neck, a short, stubby tail, and a single white claw on each hind foot. Above each of its large, deep blue eyes is an iridescent, sail-like structure. Typically, the sails are yellow at the bottom and fade into pink toward the tips. On each side of its body is a dark blue crystal. Pokémon-Amie has demonstrated that its sails can change color with its mood and the crystals on its sides permanently remain at freezing temperatures.
Amaura is a calm Pokémon that lived over 100 million years ago. It lived in a cold land to avoid predators such as Tyrantrum. Despite its restoration, it is not expected to live long in the heat of current climates. When Amaura whinnies, auroras appear in the night sky.