Aerodactyl(JP) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a dual-type Rock/Flying Pokémon that made its first appearance in the first generation games Red and Blue. It is revived from Old Amber. Aerodactyl can Mega Evolve into Mega Aerodactyl by holding the Aerodactylite.
Physiology and Behaviour[]
Aerodactyl is a pterosaurian, bipedal Pokémon with several draconic features. It has large, membranous wings, as well as small, sharply pointed ears, narrow eyes, a ridged snout, a gaping mouth, and a strong lower jaw full of serrated fangs. Its body is covered in light blue-grey skin with violet wing membranes. Aerodactyl's wings consist of a membrane running from the side of the body to the tip of an elongated finger. The clawed hands at the end of each wing allow it to grasp objects. There is a hump-like ridge with a spike on its back, and it has a strong tail with an arrow-shaped tip. Its talon-like feet have two toes in front and one in the back and are capable of scooping up and tightly clutching its prey in flight.
Aerodactyl's serrated saw-like fangs and ferocious attitude were very imposing in its time. Its fangs can rip out throats and tear through the skin of any Pokémon to pieces, even Steel-type Pokémon. By spreading its wings, Aerodactyl is believed to have flown by gliding through the skies, freely letting out its high-pitched cries. However, it is slow to walk on land. It liked to nest in the mountains, where it enjoyed both safety and seclusion. Aerodactyl lived in prehistoric times, and was theorized to become extinct thanks to a giant meteor impact. It was restored in modern times using genetic material extracted from amber; some casualties occurred during these attempts. Even still, this restoration is not considered perfect.
Mega Aerodactyl[]
As Mega Aerodactyl, its eyes turn green and the body begins to turn to stone, which some researchers believe was its original appearance before fossilization. It grows larger in size and sprouts jagged black spikes all over its body: five spikes at the wrist joint of each wing replacing its hands, three small spikes along its tail, one spike on each ear, and a long spike on its chin. The spike on its back and its rear talons have also become black and stony. Rocky plates cover its eyebrows and the corners of its jaw. Similar stone ornaments are present on its chest on its torso: two small ridges flanking a longer ridge.
The power of Mega Evolution allows some of Aerodactyl's dormant genes to reawaken. The rocks on Mega Aerodactyl's body are harder than diamond. Because of the burden of Mega Evolution, Mega Aerodactyl is fiercer and more irritable than before. As a result, Mega Aerodactyl attacks anything that moves.
Main Pokémon games[]
Aerodactyl is required to revive from the Old Amber.
Other Pokémon games[]
Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire: In the Ruby Field, once an Egg has been hatched, Aerodactyl will fly by and replace it the next time the ball rolls into the Egg Stand.
Super Smash Bros. series[]
Trophy descriptions[]
In the anime[]
Origin and inspiration[]
Aerodactyl's design is mostly based on rhamphorhynchids, a family of toothed pterosaurs. However, its pointed wings, spaded tail, and robust jaws also give it the resemblance of a dragon, specifically wyverns.
The rocks that appear on Mega Aerodactyl's body is a reference to atavism whereby an ancestral genetic trait reappears after having been lost through evolutionary change in previous generations. The rock on Mega Aerodactyl's chin is similar to goatee.
Aerodactyl's name is a combination of aero (Greek for air) and pterodactyl.
Ptera's name derives from pterosaur.
In-game information[]
Pokédex entries[]
Title | Entry |
First Pokémon generation | |
Pokémon Red and Blue | A ferocious, prehistoric Pokémon that goes for the enemy's throat with its serrated saw-like fangs. |
Pokémon Yellow | A savage Pokémon that died out in ancient times. It was resurrected using DNA taken from amber. |
Pokémon Stadium | A Pokémon that was resurrected from the genes of an ancient dinosaur. With sharp fangs, it is very vicious. |
Second Pokémon generation | |
Pokémon Gold | A vicious Pokémon from the distant past, it appears to have flown by spreading its wings and gliding. |
Pokémon Silver | This vicious Pokémon is said to have flown in ancient skies while shrieking high-pitched cries. |
Pokémon Crystal | In prehistoric times, this Pokémon flew freely and fearlessly through the skies. |
Third Pokémon generation | |
Pokémon Ruby | Aerodactyl is a Pokémon from the age of dinosaurs. It was regenerated from genetic material extracted from amber. It is imagined to have been the king of the skies in ancient times. |
Pokémon Sapphire | Aerodactyl is a Pokémon from the age of dinosaurs. It was regenerated from genetic material extracted from amber. It is imagined to have been the king of the skies in ancient times. |
Pokémon Emerald | Aerodactyl is a Pokémon from the age of dinosaurs. It was regenerated from DNA extracted from amber. It is imagined to have been the king of the skies. |
Pokémon FireRed | It was regenerated from a dinosaur's genetic matter that was found in amber. It flies with high-pitched cries. |
Pokémon LeafGreen | A ferocious, prehistoric Pokémon that goes for the enemy's throat with its serrated, sawlike fangs. |
Fourth Pokémon generation | |
Pokémon Diamond | A Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades. |
Pokémon Pearl | A Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades. |
Pokémon Platinum | A Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades. |
Pokémon HeartGold | A vicious Pokémon from the distant past, it appears to have flown by spreading its wings and gliding. |
Pokémon SoulSilver | This vicious Pokémon is said to have flown in ancient skies while shrieking high-pitched cries. |
Fifth Pokémon generation | |
Pokémon Black | A Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades. |
Pokémon White | A Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades. |
Pokémon Black 2 | A Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades. |
Pokémon White 2 | A Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades. |
Sixth Pokémon generation | |
Pokémon X | It was regenerated from a dinosaur's genetic matter that was found in amber. It flies with high-pitched cries. |
Pokémon Y | This vicious Pokémon is said to have flown in ancient skies while shrieking high-pitched cries. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby | Aerodactyl is a Pokémon from the age of dinosaurs. It was regenerated from genetic material extracted from amber. It is imagined to have been the king of the skies in ancient times. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire | Aerodactyl is a Pokémon from the age of dinosaurs. It was regenerated from genetic material extracted from amber. It is imagined to have been the king of the skies in ancient times. |
Seventh Pokémon generation | |
Pokémon Sun | A Pokémon from the age of the dinosaurs. It used its sawlike fangs to shred its prey before eating them. |
Pokémon Moon | In ancient times, it ruled the skies. A widely accepted theory is that it went extinct due to a large meteor impact. |
Pokémon Ultra Sun | Restored from DNA found in amber, this Pokémon exhibited ferocity that was greater than expected. Some casualties resulted. |
Pokémon Ultra Moon | It flew through the open skies over the ancient continent as if they were its own. When it touched ground, its walk was weak and slow. |
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu |
A savage Pokémon that died out in ancient times. It was resurrected using DNA taken from amber. |
Pokémon Let's Go Eevee |
A savage Pokémon that died out in ancient times. It was resurrected using DNA taken from amber. |
Eighth Pokémon generation | |
Pokémon Sword | This is a ferocious Pokémon from ancient times. Apparently even modern technology is incapable of producing a perfectly restored specimen. |
Pokémon Shield | Aerodactyl's sawlike fangs can shred skin to tatters—even the skin of Steel-type Pokémon. |
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond | It's a Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades. |
Pokémon Shining Pearl | It's a Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades. |
Mega Aerodactyl[]
Title | Entry |
Seventh Pokémon generation | |
Pokémon Sun | Part of its body has become stone. Some scholars claim that this is Aerodactyl's true appearance. |
Pokémon Moon | When it Mega Evolves, it becomes more vicious than ever before. Some say that's because its excess of power is causing it pain. |
Pokémon Ultra Sun | It will attack anything that moves. Mega Evolution is a burden on its body, so it's incredibly irritated. |
Pokémon Ultra Moon | Mega Evolution awakened some dormant genes, bringing back the sharp rocks that once covered Aerodactyl's entire body. |
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu |
The power of Mega Evolution has completely restored its genes. The rocks on its body are harder than diamond. |
Pokémon Let's Go Eevee |
The power of Mega Evolution has completely restored its genes. The rocks on its body are harder than diamond. |
Game locations[]
Aerodactyl is commonly obtained by reviving it from Old Amber. To obtain one in each respective game, check Method of Obtaining.
Title | Location(s) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Second Pokémon generation | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Pokémon Gold | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Pokémon Silver | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Pokémon Crystal | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Seventh Pokémon generation | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Pokémon Sun | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Pokémon Moon | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Pokémon Ultra Sun | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Pokémon Ultra Moon | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Eighth Pokémon generation | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Pokémon Sword | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Pokémon Shield |
Form change[]
Mega Form | ||
![]() |
![]() |
Base Stats[]
HP | 80 |
Attack | 105 |
Defense | 65 |
Sp. Attack | 60 |
Sp. Defense | 75 |
Speed | 130 |
Total | 515 |
HP | 80 |
Attack | 135 |
Defense | 85 |
Sp. Attack | 70 |
Sp. Defense | 95 |
Speed | 150 |
Total | 615 |
- In the Pokémon Red and Blue beta, Aerodactyl was originally known as Ptera, its Japanese name.
- Aerodactyl is the only Fossil Pokémon capable for Mega Evolution.
- Aerodactyl is the only Generation I Rock-type Pokémon to not possess a 4× weakness to Grass-type moves.
- Mega Aerodactyl has a unique base stat total of 615.
- Mega Aerodactyl has the highest base Speed stat of all Rock-type Pokémon.
Fossil Pokémon | |
Generation I | Omanyte • Omastar • Kabuto • Kabutops • Aerodactyl |
Generation III | Lileep • Cradily • Anorith • Armaldo |
Generation IV | Cranidos • Rampardos • Shieldon • Bastiodon |
Generation V | Tirtouga • Carracosta • Archen • Archeops |
Generation VI | Tyrunt • Tyrantrum • Amaura • Aurorus |
Generation VIII | Dracozolt • Arctozolt • Dracovish • Arctovish |
Mega Evolved Pokémon | |
Introduced in X and Y | Venusaur • Charizard • Blastoise • Alakazam • Gengar • Kangaskhan • Pinsir • Gyarados • Aerodactyl • Mewtwo • Ampharos • Scizor • Heracross • Houndoom • Tyranitar • Blaziken • Gardevoir • Mawile • Aggron • Medicham • Manectric • Banette • Absol • Garchomp • Lucario • Abomasnow |
Introduced in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire | Beedrill • Pidgeot • Slowbro • Steelix • Sceptile • Swampert • Sableye • Sharpedo • Camerupt • Altaria • Glalie • Salamence • Metagross • Latias • Latios • Rayquaza • Lopunny • Gallade • Audino • Diancie |