A Sylveon Bedtime Story is a 1-minute animated short based on Pokémon Sleep. It was released on the official PokémonYouTube channels and social media accounts on November 14, 2024, as a promotion for the Eevee Week event and accompanied by an in-game event making it easier to encounter Eeveelutions and also a distribution of a Sylveon Incense.
In a forest clearing, Snorlax, Clefairy, Mimikyu, and Pikachu are eating from a tower of Pecha, Sitrus, and Bluk Berries, while Eevee is running circles around Sylveon. Eevee notices the Berry tower and runs toward it. Eevee tries to pull a berry out from the bottom of the tower, but it imbalances the tower and makes all the berries fall down on top of Eevee. Sylveon, worried, runs toward the pile and starts digging through it with its ribbons. It removes Clefairy, Pikachu, and Mimikyu, but sets them aside. Using its ribbons, it picks up all the berries and sets them aside, with Eevee being thrown up into the air as a result. Sylveon jumps and catches Eevee with its ribbons. Eevee presents Sylveon with a Persim Berry, which Sylveon accepts, and they nuzzle their cheeks together. Later,all of the Pokémon are asleep around Snorlax, with Eevee on Snorlax's belly, as a Cubone looks at them from behind a bush. Eevee falls down from Snorlax's belly, rolls away and bumps into Sylveon, who also rolls and gets entangled in its ribbons. The scene changes to Sylveon's "Ribbon-Tangled Sleep" style being recorded in the Sleep Style Dex.