A Mimikyu Bedtime Story is a 1-minute animated short based on Pokémon Sleep. It was released on the official PokémonYouTube channels and social media accounts on October 24, 2024. It was released as a promotion for the Halloween event and accompanied by an in-game event making it easier to encounter Mimikyu and also a distibution of a Mimikyu Incense.
A Mimikyu stumbles upon a clearing where Snorlax is sleeping. A Pikachu wearing a Halloween hat is decorating the clearing for Halloween, with Jack-o'-lanterns and various gift boxes. While Pikachu fixes the boxes as a Cubone spies on it from behind a tree, Mimikyu approaches a Pikachu-shaped Jack-o'-lantern and admires it. Pikachu notices Mimikyu and runs up to it to say hello, but Mimikyu runs away. A chase ensues, ending when both Pikachu and Mimikyu end up in the gift boxes. Mimikyu's Disguise gets busted, and Pikachu help fix it. Mimikyu now follows Pikachu and the two of them prepare another Jack-o'-lantern with candies. Afterwards, Pikachu, Mimikyu, and Snorlax eat Grepa and Wiki Berries together. Later, a Clefairy is resting near a sleeping Snorlax, as Pikachu and Mimikyu also start to drowse off. Mimikyu, feeling content, yawns drifts off to sleep. The scene changes to Mimikyu's "Wanna-Curl-Up Sleep" style being recorded in the Sleep Style Dex.